
The Foolish Price of Fear

I’m a health care worker. In my profession, we receive regular updates from the CDC, the WHO, and the ADA. I catch an occasional FOX news update on the increasing concerns about the Corona virus. And I read my Bible every day.

Today in Luke 8 I read about a group of people who encountered something frightening that they’d never seen before—a local prophet going toe to toe with a man full of demons. Lots of demons. So many demons that when Jesus asked their name, their spokesman replied, “Legion” (v. 30).

This post has moved over to my new blog, REFRESH. I'd love for you to join me there to read the rest of this faith-filled post. CLICK HERE to visit Refresh.

Because busy women need to connect with God in the craziness of everyday life.


  1. Amen and Amen Ms. Lori. I recently learned of a church that confronted a family member who had been overseas. "Please don't come to church services. If you won't agree to stay home, we'll close and not have any church service while you are in town." My friend, my heart grieves for this blinded community. They are so deceived by Satan's fear that they can't see what they've done to one of God's wonderful children. Should we take precautions during this crisis Absolutely! Especially with older loved one and those more susceptible. Do we forget that Christ purposely sought out the unclean, the lepers, and the sick? Where's Christ's compassion in our lives? Where's our believe in the truth of God's word and His promises? Thank you so much for this brave post ma'am. God's blessings.

    1. It is sad, J.D., what fear makes good, God-honoring people do. May we pray for cool heads to prevail and faith to triumph over fear. Press on, Friend!

  2. Such wisdom in this! And you are so right: "Fear makes people do foolish things, but we are not foolish people." Amen, amen.

    1. Greater is He that is in us, Jessica, than he (or that) which is in the world. May we shine for Him even in the darkness.

  3. Anonymous4:58 PM

    You made a great point with this post! I am currently more afraid of the panic than the actual virus.

    1. As I said in the post, fear is powerful and destructive. Let's bathe our country and our communities in prayer that they will act in wisdom and discretion.

  4. I truly appreciate this post. It reminded me who I am in Christ and to "refocus my focus," as I am a Senior Citizen and was beginning to Fear my mortality.
    Thank you

    1. I will say a special prayer for you, Lisa, and others who are in a "higher risk" category. May your heart be at peace and your spirit ready and eager to share the reason for the hope that is within you. Sending an (air) hug!


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