A 17-year veteran homeschool mom and 10-year leader of the 120-member Forest Acres Home Educators support group, Lori would love to speak words of encouragement to your homeschool group. With a wealth of experience, she can craft a talk specifically for your group's needs or share one of her most popular talks:
The 10 Most Important Things You Can Teach Your Children (1-hour)
The Foundations of Homeschooling Motherhood (1-hour)
Six Reasons Homeschool Moms Quit and How To Avoid Them (1-hour)
10 Mistakes I Made While Homeschooling (1- 1-1/2 hour)
Here's what homeschooling moms are saying about Lori's encouragement:
What do you feel was most helpful?
"Just wanted you to know how VERY MUCH my friends and I enjoyed your talk last week at the Harvest and how VERY MUCH I am enjoying your book of devotionals!! Great stuff!! Thanks much for being a willing vessel for the Lord to use to "shore up" homeschooling families. You know, I've been on this homeschooling journey for 16 years myself, but with five more children at home (oldest is 2nd year in college; youngest is only 6), I have a WAYS to go (if the Lord tarries and I keep my sanity!) and your talk was a great encouragement." ~Lisa B.
To contact Lori about speaking to your group, email her at
To download Lori's homeschool speaking ministry flyer, click HERE.

A 17-year veteran homeschool mom and 10-year leader of the 120-member Forest Acres Home Educators support group, Lori would love to speak words of encouragement to your homeschool group. With a wealth of experience, she can craft a talk specifically for your group's needs or share one of her most popular talks:
The 10 Most Important Things You Can Teach Your Children (1-hour)
The Foundations of Homeschooling Motherhood (1-hour)
Six Reasons Homeschool Moms Quit and How To Avoid Them (1-hour)
10 Mistakes I Made While Homeschooling (1- 1-1/2 hour)
Here's what homeschooling moms are saying about Lori's encouragement:
What do you feel was most helpful?
"The “realness” and honesty. It is strangely encouraging to know
that other people have the same struggles and have made the same mistakes on
their journey. Of course when you follow that up with real solutions and
positive results you recharge weary moms!"
What type of feedback have you received regarding the
"We have gotten lots of positive feedback. Mostly “thank you!”
for having such an encouraging speaker, it is just what we needed at the Mid
Year Meeting."
"Even though Lori is well structured and very
professional it is easy to forget that you are sitting in a crowd listening to
her, it is more like you are having an encouraging talk with a trusted friend." ~ Tracy T.
"Just wanted you to know how VERY MUCH my friends and I enjoyed your talk last week at the Harvest and how VERY MUCH I am enjoying your book of devotionals!! Great stuff!! Thanks much for being a willing vessel for the Lord to use to "shore up" homeschooling families. You know, I've been on this homeschooling journey for 16 years myself, but with five more children at home (oldest is 2nd year in college; youngest is only 6), I have a WAYS to go (if the Lord tarries and I keep my sanity!) and your talk was a great encouragement." ~Lisa B.
To contact Lori about speaking to your group, email her at
To download Lori's homeschool speaking ministry flyer, click HERE.
Great post! I homeschool also! I will be reviewing a homeschool book on my blog soon!
ReplyDeleteI'm a homeschooling dad living in Japan. Looking for encouragement I purchased Joy in the Journey via I have been very blessed by this book. Lori reminds us to always reflect back on why we chose to homeschool in the first place. I totally recommend this book to any homeschooling mom or dad.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Tom. I'mnsonglad God used my little book to encourage you. I'd love for you to share your thoughts in an Amazon review. A kind review is like gold to an author. Blessings to you and your family.