
Waiting for Scary Test Results? 4 Things to Do

No woman ever wants to receive a call back after a mammogram. 

Like many, I treat the annual test like my home’s yearly termite inspection – something necessary and responsible, but not worth much thought. 

And when it’s done? Check off the box and move on. 

Until I get the phone call. 

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  1. Thank you for this. I needed it.
    I am waiting to have a test done and fear has set in even before the test and results.
    This article has given me some insight on how i should be positioning my heart as I wait.
    This was a blessing and encouraging.

    1. I'm so glad my experience helped you, Linda. God was so faithful and present with me in ways too numerous to mention in my blog post. I"m confident he will do the same for you.I"m praying about your tests right now. May God be glorified in and through your experience.

  2. I am a 14 years breast cancer survivor. My breast lump was found through a routine mammogram. I insisted on mammograms because of family history of cancer. My doctor said I was too young at age 44 and I should wait to get the test. I persisted and am glad I did. My lump was on the chest wall and would not have been felt until it was way too big. After receiving the diagnosis of cancer, my husband went to see the technician who initially read my test result. My husband thanked the man. The technician was shocked and said no one had ever thanked him for a cancer diagnosis. My husband explained that because of the man taking the extra care to do his job correctly, the cancer was found. We have prayed for the technician, the people who treated me, and yes, even for the doctor who initially said I was too young to have cancer. Yes, I changed doctors immediately. We may never know the impact we have on someone else when we pray for them. God knows and that is all that matters. :-)

    1. Praise God, Melissa. Thank you so much for sharing your story. What an encouragement -- and sobering, too. I"m so glad you advocated for yourself, and that the Lord sent you to a medical professional who was skilled in what he did. I know your prayers made a profound impression on him. Blessings to you, friend!

  3. Last year, November 2017, was my mammography. Just like you, I always received negative result only that year I received a letter that "there is something unusual that they have seen. I need to go to my private doctor to recommend me to the cancer clinic for further examinations:Radiology and Ultrasound. From the other tests, they couldn't see "what is that unsual mass" in my left breast. They asked me to have MRI so that it will "clearly seen" that "thing". My man and I waited for the "result" only to found out (according to our doctor) that it became "complicated". He said that what the doctor saw in the MRI, there is a "mass" in my left breast and it grows and has colored. He adviced me to undergo "Ultrasound Guided Core Needle Biopsy" to be sure if it is cancerous. December 18, 2018 was my schedule for biopsy (three times they took sample) and after three days the result. During the moment of waiting and from the moment that I heard that "bad news", I was calm and peaceful. I don't feel fear, nervous or anxiety. When I received that bad news the only thing that I said was this: Lord Jesus, You are my Savior, my God. You created me and You heal all my sickness. I trusted You, my Lord. If it is my time, I am ready. I thank You that before I leave the world I have KNOWN You.
    It was evening of 21 December when we went to our doctor for the result of the biopsy. He told us that I have cysts in my left breast and they are "Benign" but the "unsual" thing is still "unidentified" . They find it "mysterious unidentified thing" ...
    My husband and I went back home with a smile in our lips that night. I told my husband that Jesus is my Healer. I fear nothing!

    1. Wow, Helen, what an amazing testimony of God's mercy and grace. Amen and amen. Thank you so much for sharing your story!

    2. I had uterine fibroids removed in surgery 2 weeks ago and received a call last week that one is either precancerous or a very rare and aggressive form of cancer with a poor prognosis. I am about to get married and was going to have children. How can this be happening? I've already waited a week for the results and will likely have to wait another week. I am trying to stay focused on God's promises of healing, hope, and a future, but I am terrified and not sure what to think. Please lift me up in prayer.

    3. Alex,
      I can imagine how frightened you are. I am praying for you. Whatever the results are (and I"m praying they are all negative), our good God will walk beside you every step of the way. Please keep me updated. Sending a hug, Lori

    4. I do NOT have cancer! Praise God! In fact... It's a miracle. The cancer activity went from 8/10 to 3/10 (10 is cancerous) from the first path report to the second. This means it was pre cancerous and I'll need to be monitored, but I KNOW God will protect me. He already intervened and changed the path results! I am forever grateful! Thank you for your prayers.

    5. Praise God, Alex! I am thrilled for you. What a relief. I will join you in prayer for total and complete reversal of those scary numbers. May God be glorified. Thank you so much for updating me. It's always exciting to see God at work. Blessings to you.

  4. A little over a month ago I started having unexplained breast pain and some swelling. Fast forward to now after having mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy, I will find out my biopsy results this afternoon. God has overcome my anxiety and given me lots of peace through this process. I have seen His hand at work. Since last night though I have become overwhelmed with worry. I am trying to focus on scripture and let the Holy Spirit comfort me, but I am having a hard time this morning as the appointment gets closer. I think as a mom of a young child my greatest fear is having cancer and not being able to be there for her. I know, I shouldn't worry about tomorrow's possible worry, but after having such calm and peace through this process today my worry has gone into overdrive. Prayers for peace and for good results today.

    1. HI KC,
      I've been praying for you since I read your comment, asking for God to surround you with His peace and hold you close. Please let me know how everything turned out. I'll continue to pray.

  5. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I too got the dreaded callback. I will be going in this Tuesday for a diagnostic mammo and possibly ultrasound. I am so glad I found your blog. You words really helped me. I am the worst worrier and fretter there is. Thank you!

  6. Thank you fir your words of calm. I am on my way 4 a needle biopsy 9/15/2020 at 3:30pm. Thank you for the steps of wisdom. And for your test to come out with great results!

  7. I have to go in for a biopsy after two mammograms a sonogram and mri. They found two non mass distortion on my left breast. I was overwhelmed when I got the call, now I have to wait until October 12 to see what the next step would be. I am trying not to worry and leave everything to God. He knows what is best for me. I am standing on his promises, but his will be done. Please pray for me tha He will give me the strength to overcome this. He is the Lord and Savior and I believe in him. I will pray for all of you as well. Thanks and God Bless!

    1. Please know I am praying for you, dear friend. Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

  8. Maria Jimenez10:44 PM

    Thank you Lorie! I am Maria Jimenez the last one to comment.

  9. I too have to go back for more images. I am paralyzed in fear. I covet your prayers.

  10. I just got a call back stating my mammogram had changed since last December and I have to go to a Breast Clinic tuesday for more testing. I have lost 7 pounds in a week since that call, I have major depression and anxiety anyway and I fear for the worst..please pray for me and my drs and technicians I will see tuesday. I had a dream that God told me "All Clear"... I am sick with worry, pray for a clear diagnosis.. S

  11. I go in for my breast biopsy tomorrow.I am so glad I came across this article.Like you,I have let my mind wander to negative outcomes.I have searched for prayers about healing and anxiety.
    I have reached out to a few close loved ones and friends for prayers and support.
    Please pray that my tests tomorrow are negative.

  12. I received the call back today that a second mammogram is needed! Initially I felt a rush of heat throughout my body that came from anxiety and fear. Worry overtook me leaving me in cloudy mess. After coming across this site and reading your beautiful words I feel calm. I trust God completely and know He is in control, this brings me peace. Please hold me in prayer as I will be praying for all of you! Thank you again for sharing & encouraging me during such an unexpected moment.

    1. Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God is with you. Praying for you today.

  13. Please pray having a nuclear stress test tomorrow. Give me gods peace and assurance that everything is fine. Thank you!

  14. Prayers for everyone. Thank you for sharing this. Amen in Jesus name keeping the faith and praising him.always.

  15. Thank you for sharing your story. It feels good to know that I’m not alone especially when your nervous and scared. I also received papers stated that an are of concern was found and I need to reschedule another mammogram. Please pray for me

  16. Anonymous11:06 PM

    This was so helpful, my mom has a callback from her mammogram (she has had callbacks before as well and it is so anxiety inducing). Reading this helped calm my nerves and trust in the lord. Please pray for my mom ro have clear resukts and I will pray for all of you

  17. Anonymous1:31 AM

    I have a diagnostic mammogram in 2 days. I have cried and am very anxious. You're article has helped me.

  18. Always has a phobia about cancer more than other illnesses. So I avoided all screening. But I may turn up for an appointment tomorrow. Well its what I am planning but even going for the screening has made me agitated all week and very tense. In fact I am terrified of results and wonder about the radium exposure with xray, tho I know one has to weigh the risks there is a higher chance of being diagnosed. I hate living in fear. Thank you for your article. May you stay healthy and blessed. Please pray for me.

  19. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Hello all please pray for me, i am in the hospital at the moment just done with mammogram and waiting for the ultrasound.may the precious blood of our dear Jesus Christ covers and pray J


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