
That Crazy Little Tune -- Why Christian Music Is Powerful

“I’ve had this crazy little tune bouncing around in my head all morning,” my roommate complained. We’d attended a writers’ retreat together and were driving home through the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. 

“I’ve finally figured out where it came from,” she exclaimed. “Your alarm!” Late the night before I’d set my cell phone alarm, and it had awakened us at 6 a.m. with a jazzy blues tune. 

A similar thing happened to me this week. My husband sets his clock radio alarm to the local Christian radio station. Some days, depending on when we awaken, we hear the voice of pastor/teacher Chuck Swindoll. Other times, we hear a popular Christian song. Almost without exception, I find myself humming the song I heard first thing in the morning all day long. 

“Jesus, Messiah,” I sang this morning in the shower. “Name of all names. Blessed Redeemer. . .” I carried the tune and the beautiful truths contained in Chris Tomlin’s song with me all day. 

Music is powerful. Music used for its original purpose, to praise God, is even more powerful. It can evoke emotions, communicate spiritual truth, and set the tone for the whole day. 

Many times I’ve struggled with discouragement, turned on the radio or my favorite YouTube station, and heard a song based on biblical truth. As the tune works its way into my mind, the words work themselves into my heart. Before long, I’m not discouraged any more. 

Instead of turning on the television or computer tomorrow, why not turn on Christian radio? You might be surprised at the positive effect it has on your mind, your heart, and your soul. To help get your day off to a great start, here’s my contribution. Turn your speakers up and sing along. 

If you’re reading by email and can’t see Chris Tomlin’s song, “Jesus, Messiah,” CLICK HERE and turn your speakers up. 

How about you? Do you love praise and worship music? What are your favorite songs right now? Leave a comment below and share them with us. 

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  1. Christian songs are such a blessing! I find myself "hearing" tunes/words so many times and it ministers to the phrase from a song...."God will make a way when there seems to be no way...He works in ways we cannot see....He will make a way for me....." I love the whole song. Songs are powerful and they stick with us, so we really need to be careful what we allow our minds to feast upon. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I agree and I have found a great online christian radio station that is commercial free so i dont get distracted by "come buy a car i cant afford lol" just 24/7 christian music praise and worship and more check em out they also have a app on google play that is free! talk about a blessing i can listen anywhere I even hook my phone into the car radio and give praise to the king Jesus as i drive to work all free and no commercials.

  2. We are so much more influenced than we care to think! What we expose ourselves to matters! Thanks for the great reminder!


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