With the April 15 deadline for income tax filing right around the corner, I wonder how many of us who have put off filing our taxes will spend a significant portion of the weekend surrounded by W-2s and piles of receipts?
While some personality types lend themselves more to procrastination than others, we all have a tendency to put off unpleasant projects, difficult conversations, and important tasks. Although some procrastination is conscious and deliberate, oftentimes we postpone activities simply because we "haven't gotten around to it" yet.
Felix, the Governor of Caesarea, was a procrastinator. And it cost him a place in Heaven.
Serving the Romans in 40 AD, Felix was assigned the duty of hearing a criminal case between a group of Jews and the apostle Paul. While waiting for more information on the case, he sent for Paul to dialogue with him about faith in Jesus Christ. Knowing that Felix was well acquainted with "The Way," Paul skipped the preliminaries and cut to the heart of the matter.
He spoke frankly to Felix and his wife, Drusilla, about what it means to be righteous, how God calls us to live self-controlled lives, and how we will all stand before the judgement seat of Christ one day.
This kind of talk scared the robes off of Felix, because not only was he corrupt in his business dealings, often accepting a well-timed bribe to help him decide a matter, he had destroyed Drusilla's marriage and stolen his young wife from another man!
When faced with straight talk from the apostle Paul about his own sinfulness, God's standard, and the coming judgement, he did what many of us do--he procrastinated.
"That's enough for now," he said hurriedly, "You many leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you. . . " (Acts 24:25).
"When I find it convenient. . ."
"When I get around to it. . . "
"I'll do it tomorrow. . . "
How many times have we said these words? How many good things have we put off to another day? How many opportunities to make a difference in someone's life have we lost because we ignored the Holy Spirit's prompting and did what we wanted to do instead? How many people have missed eternity in Heaven because, like Felix, they put off making a decision for Christ until a more convenient time?
He was going to be all a mortal should be--tomorrow.
No one would ever be better than he--tomorrow.
Each morning he stacked up the letters he'd write--tomorrow.
Who can say what a credit he might have been--tomorrow.
The world would have known him if only he'd seen--tomorrow.
But the fact is he died and faded from view.
And all that was left when his living was through,
Was a mountain of things he intended to do--tomorrow.
What are you putting off 'til tomorrow?
Is there something or someone God has placed on your heart?
a relationship you need to make right?
a phone call you need to make?
a gift you need to give?
a conversation you need to have?
a confession you need to speak?
a forgiveness you need to ask for or grant?
a lifestyle you need to forsake?
a relationship with God you need to begin?
Don't wait 'til tomorrow.
Do it today.
" Today if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts."
(Heb. 3:15)
"Now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation."
(2 Cor 6:2)
You want to connect with God, but in the craziness of life, it’s just not happening. You want practical, biblical answers to situations you face every day, but you don’t have hours to pore over Scripture.
You need a resource that answers the questions you’re afraid to ask out loud. Questions like:
• Is my situation hopeless?
• If God already knows what he’s going to do, why bother to pray?
• Why have you allowed this to happen to me?
• No one appreciates what I do. Why shouldn’t I quit?
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