
Is It Enough to Believe with All Your Heart?

“I believe with all my heart God is going to heal him.” 

“If I truly believe God is going to ___________ (deliver me from my financial troubles, give me a new car, send me a husband, release me from the job I hate), then he will. But I have to reeeeealy believe it.” 

“God wants you to be healthy, wealthy, and happy. If you’re not, it’s because you don’t have enough faith. James 1:6-8 says so: ‘But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord.’” 

Have you ever heard someone say one or all of these statements? I have. 

I’ve also seen people continue to experience illness, financial trouble, singleness, difficult marriages, and challenging jobs, even though they reeeeeeealy believed God was going to answer their prayers for deliverance. Was their faith not strong enough? Did they harbor a smidgen of doubt that hindered God from answering their prayers? 

How can we be sure we have enough faith to tip the scales in our favor when God decides which prayers to answer in the affirmative? And how do we “ask in faith, believing,” when we’re just not sure how God’s going to answer? 

To read the rest of this blog, CLICK HERE.


  1. I believe you have nailed right on the head,faith is a natural response to God Word,trusting Him to honour it in whatever way He chooses.

    1. Amen, Dolores. May He be glorified in and through our lives today!

  2. For me, my exercise in faith comes down to one word, "Acceptance." I can't predict or always know God's will or reasoning for things happening in my life. I think this is because I can't, yet, always know I am acting in His will. What I can do when offering up prayers for wisdom, guidance, healing, etc. is accept through faith that God will act as He sees fit. I accept that although I can't understand why, I know He wants the best for me; even when there's time when His best certainly doesn't feel best for/to me. In my mind, faith is acceptance. I hope that makes sense Ms. Lori. God's blessings ma'am.

    1. You're right, J.D. It's a matter of trust that the God who is wiser than we are will always act for our good and His glory. We can't always see this in the short term, but Heaven will reveal what our earthly eyes can't yet see.

  3. I have faith that God will work His plan in my life. There may be trials but I have faith and know He will be with me at all times.

    1. That's a great comfort, Melissa, and a truth I cling to every day.

    2. I myself have faith which aceptance&choice has a big part of it! I say that because I've watch God align my heart with his will over the years.Yes!you got to have some faih!


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