
The Cure for Complaining

Oh, how we love to complain.

It's our default setting whenever something doesn't go our way. And we're not alone.

I’ve been reading through the book of Exodus in my quest to read the Bible in a year. Almost without fail, every time the children of Israel had a need, they complained about it. They fretted. They whined. They lamented that God had abandoned them, and grumbled about how much better things were back in Egypt. 

Most of us probably aren’t wishing we were back in Egypt, but we often wish for “the good old days.” We complain, fret, and whine. 

This post has moved to my new blog, Refresh. Please click the link to read the rest of "The Cure for Complaining."


  1. My husband and I have always been able to be grouchy or complain at different times. If one of us complains, the other will share an encouragement or positive comment. This method has worked for over 40 years. We may complain but we also recognize our blessings from God. :-)

    1. I love this, Melissa. Yes, I am so thankful for a spouse or a friend to listen to our woes and then provide much needed counterbalance. Where would we be without them?? Thanks for sharing today.

  2. Great post Ms. Lori. I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to complaining I think. Something that helps me to "catch myself" is asking myself what is the chief cause for my complaint. It's then when I recognize the "chief cause" is me! I let self-pride, ignorance, or some other misguided sense of "comparative judgment" dictate my emotions. When I do that, I grow quiet and ask forgiveness for bringing it (a spirit of discontent) upon myself. I'm quiet a lot some days. Well said ma'am.

  3. Thank you for a powerful reminder based on Scripture: "Every complaint I make isn’t really against my circumstances, but against the Lord. My grumbling goes straight from my mouth to God’s ears." Complaining happens seemingly before I realize it sometimes, but I'm asking God to guard my mind and mouth against complaining. Excellent post, Lori.


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