
Holding My Breath - (An Apology to King Solomon)

Apparently I owe King Solomon an apology.

 He’s never been my favorite historical figure, for good reason. God gave him so much—money, opportunity, wisdom—and he wasted it. I often ponder what he could have accomplished if he’d used his gifts to advance God’s kingdom instead of his own. Just thinking about it makes me grumpy. And sad. So much potential and so little to show for it.

Because of this, I’ve always viewed Ecclesiastes, Solomon’s end-of-life commentary, as the cynical, jaded reflections of a man who had it all and wasted it. Many Bible commentators agree, calling the book “fatalistic” and “existential.”

A recent deep dive into the book, however, has changed my perspective. This is why I owe King Solomon an apology.

Let me explain.

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  1. What a wonderful perspective that the understanding of a single word can make. I love the idea that it's okay to enjoy the good things of this life (e.g. love, friendship, success), but we should always remember they are not the things that matter in the end as we won't take those fleeting moments with us. We will reap the rewards for the works done in His name during our time here on earth. I love the idea of making "Investments in Eternity (at least that's what I've called them in the past). :-) Wonderful post ma'am. Thank you; and God's blessings.

    1. You are most welcome, J.D. Isn't it amazing what insight a single word can shed on our understanding of God's Word? Thanks for sharing your thoughts today.


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