
Please Stop Bashing the Church

Almost every day I see a social media post about what’s wrong with the church. College students are leaving by the thousands. Young adults say the church has damaged them forever. People are hurt, they’re never coming back, and they want everyone within their social media circles to leave with them. I hear you. I feel what you feel. I’ve lived some of the stories you’ve lived. But I will never leave the church. And neither should you. As kindly as possible, I have one thing to say: 

Stop bashing the church. 

I’ve been a Christian for more than 30 years. I’ve attended large churches, small churches, and medium-sized churches. My husband and I have been members, lay leaders, and staff. 

Between the two of us, we’ve served in every volunteer position imaginable, from janitor to Sunday school teacher, nursery worker to youth minister. We’ve scrubbed toilets, tables, and toddlers, and prayed, played, and paid. We’ve invested our time, money, and energy into this thing called the church, and we love it. We believe in it, and we plan to serve it until we die. 

Here are five good reasons why: 

1. Because Jesus Christ loved the church and gave himself for it (Eph. 5:25). He didn't love online communities, parachurch organizations, or social clubs. He loved the church—so much that He died for it. In my opinion, that's reason enough to stop bashing it. 

2. Because churches are made up of imperfect people like you and me. Immature, selfish, inconsiderate, and sometimes rude. Loving, caring, sacrificial, and sometimes beautiful. We are flawed and frail, but little by little, God is changing us and making us more like Jesus. You wouldn’t leave a hospital because there were sick people in it, and you shouldn’t leave the church because there are sinners in it. Sick people go to a hospital because they’re sick, and sinners go to a church because they’re sinful. The transforming power of Jesus is the only hope we have for change, and Jesus does his best work through the church. 

3. You cannot separate Jesus from the church. When Jesus left the earth, he told his disciples to remain in Jerusalem until he sent the Holy Spirit. Then he instructed his apostles to evangelize and plant churches in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth. Through divine inspiration he gave them instructions for church government, discipline, and worship so they could do everything “decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:40). The book of Acts is a glorious testimony of how Christ sent disciples everywhere to establish local congregations of believers, complete with leadership and governments. 

4. People have died for the privilege of meeting together to worship God. Our forefathers dedicated their lives to birth a nation that granted its citizens the freedom to attend church. Generations of brave men and women have died on foreign battlefields to defend our religious freedoms and protect our country from godless attacks. Believers in China, Saudi Arabia, India, and North Korea risk their lives daily to meet together to worship and study the Scriptures. To forsake the free exercise of our right to assemble as a church is a slap in the face to those who long for and died for this privilege. 

5. The church was God’s idea. Jesus told Peter, “... you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church” (Mat. 16:18). He promised to sustain and protect it, “and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Through salvation Christ initiated believers into a universal church, but he also placed them in local churches. As in the book of Acts, he continues to grow the church. “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2:47). 

I know atrocities have been committed through the ages in the name of God and the church. Some churches have strayed from the tenets of Scripture and morphed into cultic caricatures as far from the true church as cardboard façades are to marble mansions. Ministers and churches have neglected their duties, betrayed their members’ trust, and abused their power. Congregants have wounded their sisters and brothers with cruel actions diametrically opposed to the teachings of Scripture. 

Much wrong has been done in and through the church, but thousands of good, pure, sacrificial, and lovely acts have also been done. These actions trump and triumph over Satan’s pitiful attempts to misuse, malign, and misrepresent the Bride of Christ. 

We need the church (Acts. 12:5, Heb. 10:24-25). Now more than ever, in a culture increasingly hostile to people of faith, we need each other. Persecution is coming, and like the unsuspecting lamb is vulnerable to a wolf’s attack when it wanders from the flock, so are we dangerously unprotected from Satan’s schemes when we forsake our flock and go it alone. 

The church is vital to help us grow in our faith, hold us accountable, pray for us, and help us in our time of need. If you've ever experienced the love of a local church during a time of tragedy, sickness, or loss, you know there is no greater expression of God's care on earth than that of a body of believers rallying around its own. 

In our 30+ years as believers, local churches have support us when my husband lost his job, counseled us when our family struggled, and comforted when we experienced the deaths of two sisters, a brother, and a grandmother, all in the same year. 

But not only do we need the church, the church needs us (1 Cor. 12:28). God could easily do his work on earth by himself, but he chooses to let us be part of it. By serving others through a local church, we participate in the work he's doing in the world. As we spend our time, money, and energy serving others, God blesses us in ways we could never imagine. Best of all, we become the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Is there a lot wrong with the church? Yup. But there’s also a lot wrong with us. Until we reach perfection (which won’t happen on this earth), can we legitimately hold a body of similarly imperfect believers to a standard we can never hope to attain? 

If you attend a local church that loves God deeply, serves God sacrificially, and shares God liberally, rejoice. If you attend a church that falls short of Christ’s plan for his body, extend grace, forgive as you’ve been forgiven, and look for ways to make it better. And if you honestly feel there’s too much wrong in your local congregation to redeem, find another place to worship. God’s people are everywhere, and they’ll be glad to welcome you in. 

But whether you choose to stay or choose to go, 

please, stop bashing the church. 

This article first appeared on, June 1, 2016.

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  1. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Hi Lori, great post and I completely agree. We need church and the church needs us, and more importantly, church is God's idea. There are no perfect churches because they are made up of us, imperfect people, everyone of us :)
    God bless

    1. I agree, Tracy, the fact that Jesus died for the church elevates it to a position of tremendous value and honor. Thanks for chiming in today.

  2. Jesus died for each INDIVIDUAL in "Christ's Church" ( a.k.a., the collective individuals making up the "Bride of Christ", the "Body of Christ"); he did NOT die for institutional churches...they are NOT the same. Most of your comments incorrectly imply that they are the same. In fact, Jesus was unhappy with many of the ways that HIS FLOCK was being misled (by Pharisee hypocrites and, as documented in Revelation, during the Church Age NOW -- those who receive the Wrath of God during the End Times). There are also better ways for some individuals to worship God (and to Love God)... ways which feel more genuine and from the all-important-heart (with His Spirit, in prayer-closets). Each genuine believer is now part of Christ's Royal Priesthood and does not Need a minister as the middle man between himself and God. If a believer benefits from a stellar minister & congregation in getting closer to Christ, that is GREAT and, likely, very pleasing to God!!!

    Please don't bash those who choose to love & worship God in the many other, genuine, prayer-closet ways that God Loves. Please don't bash those who have found church services do very little to increase fellowship or bring a person closer to Jesus and, therefore, ask ministers to Raise the Bar and Go to His Word (all of His Word).

    Jesus was VERY vocal to the Pharisees about His Truth vs. their religious hypocrisy. And Jesus is our role model, so we MAY vocally share the truth as He did. Let's not create a LAW (an external ritual) on God's behalf to "go to church". Please DO Honor the Friday/Saturday SABBATH because that IS from God!!! If God's Spirit directs one person to go to Sunday services and the next to use their God-given gifts & Love of God in another manner, then THAT is the action to applaud. IF attending a church ADDS to your closeness with Jesus, it is likely "Pleasing to God". RE: God's Greatest Commandments (Matt. 22:37-40)-->> True Love can also be Tough Love. True Love is also "encouraging one another" in His Word (ALL of His Word and the correct-ness of His Word).

    Each believer IS a Royal Priest and God encourages a DIRECT relationship with Jesus as a result of His sacrifice on the Cross and gift of the Holy Spirit (which SEVERED the veil between believers and God... no minister required!). If a church priest does not Foster a deeper relationship with God, they are getting in the way of the Purpose of our Christ and THEY ARE NEGATING JESUS' WORK on the cross (a direct relationship with Him through His Spirit). You ARE part of my family in Christ (and His Kingdom) and, therefore, His Truth is critical to share with you.

    I pray that each church leader will encourage their congregation to BE a royal priest with Jesus, and show them how.

    1. Barbara,
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate your zeal to extend true love and tough love to me by correcting my interpretation of Scripture.

      We actually agree on several points. Jesus did die for individual believers, whom he calls the church, but Scripture also tells us that the believers also collectively make up the church, the universal church, for whom Christ died.

      Yes, Jesus spoke harshly against the false teachers, including the Pharisees, but they were not part of "the church," because they hadn't put their faith in Christ (the only way to become part of the church).

      I agree with your statement, "Each genuine believer is now part of Christ's Royal Priesthood and does not Need a minister as the middle man between himself and God." This isn't the purpose of a pastor or spiritual leader--to be a middle man. A pastor's purpose is to teach and preach, to provide spiritual guidance and to minister during times of need.

      You say, "There are also better ways for some individuals to worship God (and to Love God)... ways which feel more genuine and from the all-important-heart (with His Spirit, in prayer-closets)."

      While worshiping with His Spirit and in prayer closets are valid ways to worship, whether they "feel more genuine" has very little to do with the matter. Feelings can be misleading and can't be the final authority. God's Word is our final authority, and it tells us "not to forsake assembling together."

      The New Testament church did away with the Friday/Saturday Sabbath and began meeting together on Sunday, in honor of Christ's resurrection. I know there are certain denominations that continue to observe the Sabbath on Friday/Saturday. I don't believe this is a major point, and certainly not one worth breaking fellowship over :)

      Thanks again for reading and sharing your thoughts.

  3. At the point when the little church that I go to began composition it's very own little gathering material and disseminating it as word handling records, I knew there must be a superior way. I imagined an item that would take this material and make it accessible to the little gathering individuals in a progressively streamlined manner, yet in addition in a way that would enable the gathering to team up on the web.
    URL :

  4. Amen to this, my friend!!!!

  5. I definitely needed to read this today. Over the past summer my husband and I both left our staff positions at a church we'd been attending for over 20 years. We felt the need to separate from that congregation and we've since moved to a new one. I'm fighting feelings of hurt, anger, resentment, and I need to remember that the Church is a beautiful mess--just like I am. Thanks for the great reminder.

  6. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Your message is valuable to me as I have struggled to find a church home over many years. I found small congregations to be more like family and the members more available and larger churches offering so many resources but difficult to find that personal touch I think many long for. Some churches more like country clubs where you felt like an outsider and more recently a church so focused on entertainment God's message was too watered down. I know churches reflect the communities we live in and yet no two are alike. For me I prefer to attend more than one church in my area as I search for that place where God wants me to be. To me church should be a place to feel welcome and wanted and valued. So many churches are focused on their business they forget to "build people up" especially newcomers. I think you cannot truly know and find a church home without seeking earnestly and being firmly grounded in scripture. I am guilty of bashing "church" only later to find that my heart was in the wrong place. My family growing up "belonged" to a church but never attended. I found that unsettling as a young person but as I have learned in this life, our choices must come from the heart not based on traditional influences.I don't seek religion as many call it but a deep personal relationship with Christ. Where we find Christ is where we can find a church home to worship and serve. Thank you for sharing and allowing me to share. May God bless you and inspire you!


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