
21 Unlikely Things for Which to be Thankful

Before you slice into the turkey and pass the cranberry sauce, it’s fitting to ponder the goodness of God and give thanks. 

The very basic of manners, saying thank you sets us apart as grateful people. As Christians, when we thank God, instead of . . . what do non-believers thank? . . . fate? luck? chance? . . . , we rightfully acknowledge the source of our blessings. James 1:17 reminds us, 

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” 

Today, in the spirit of grateful thanksgiving, I’d like to give thanks for 21 unlikely blessings: 

1. A sink full of dirty dishes, because it means we’ve eaten three meals today. 

2. Long hours at work, because it means we have gainful employment. 

3. The electric bill, because it means we have central heat to keep us warm on cold nights. 

4. Two smelly, backyard trash cans, because it means my city has an efficient way to collect refuse. 

5. Our sagging bookshelves, because it means we have enough reading material for a lifetime – and the ability to read it. 

6. The dust that relentlessly appears on every piece of furniture in my home, because it means I have furniture. 

7. The empty gas tank, because it means I have a car to take me places. 

8. The mess my grandchildren make, because it means I have little people who like to spend time with me. 

9. The clogged toilet, because it means my home has a sewer system instead of an outhouse (or a hole). 

10. The laundry basket full of dirty clothes, because it means I own more than one outfit. 

11. My cluttered pantry, because it means I have so much food in my house I need a closet in which to store it. 

12. The sad stories I hear in response to something I’ve written, because it means I’m connecting with readers who are searching for answers. 

13. The husband who steals my covers and wakes me up in the middle of the night, because it means I have a spouse who has slept beside me for almost 33 years. 

14. Two bathtubs and three sinks that need cleaning, because it means I have indoor plumbing. 

15. Too many family members to fit around my Thanksgiving table, because it means our family likes to gather at my house. 

16. The cell phone that never holds a charge long enough, because it means I have a computer in my back pocket. 

 17. The junk mail in my mailbox, because it means I have the ability to send letters to anyone in the country in a timely, reliable manner. 

18. The rude comments on my blog posts, because it means people are reading what I’ve written. 

19. The long list of people who have asked me to pray for them, because it means I can help lift their burdens. 

20. The head full of details that need to be attended to, because it means I’m still in my right mind and can properly process information. 

21. The sore muscles from my morning exercise, because it means I have the ability to walk (and even run). 

As you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, why not take a few moments to make your own unlikely thankful list? It could turn your perspective upside down. 

I’d love to hear what’s on your list. Leave a comment in the box below and share your Thanksgiving thoughts.

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1 comment:

  1. Adding to the unlikely thankful list -
    1. Dirty stalls, because it means my horses are healthy and digestive systems are working.
    2. Eviction letter because it means God is planning somewhere better for my family to live.
    3. An empty bank account because it leads me to fully rely on God's provision.
    4. Running out of paper and ink for my computer because it means I'm writing.


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