
How HIV saved him

When I saw his name on my appointment book, I did a double take. Could this be the same Jack Jones* I know? I wondered.

For many years, Jack was like a big brother to me. He took me to the State House to feed peanuts to squirrels, introduced me to Chick Fil A, and bought my first Helen Reddy album. Although he was several years older than I, he wasn’t too cool to be seen with me.

A second glance at the appointment book, however, told me something that made my heart stop.

 HIV positive the note said.

All afternoon long, I wrestled with the implications of those two words. I’d lost touch with Jack and hadn’t seen him for years, but I’d heard rumors that he’d embraced a dangerous lifestyle. Now, it seemed, he was reaping the consequences of his choices.

As the time neared for his appointment, my heart beat harder. My head spun with questions and fearful thoughts. I was worried about his physical condition, but I was even more concerned about his spiritual one. I prepared to ask him first about his health and then about his soul. This may be my only opportunity to talk with him about where he’ll spend eternity, I thought. I knew it was no accident that Jack had chosen the office where I worked, even though he had no idea I worked there. It was a divine appointment. 

When he walked through the door, my heart sank. I recognized him immediately, although I could tell he was very, very sick. He was surprised to see me, and after we worked through some initial awkwardness, I seated him in my dental chair.

“Before you get started,” he said, holding up his hand as I reached for an instrument, “there’s something you need to know.”

“It’s okay,” I said, cutting him off. “I know.”

Somehow I made it through his appointment, lapsing into the familiar routine of scaling, rinsing, and polishing while my thoughts continued to swirl. How do I begin? I wondered. What do I say? What if he’s hostile or defensive? Finally, after the dentist checked his teeth and left the room, I gathered my courage.

“Jack,” I said, “I’m glad your teeth are okay, but we’ve got more important things to talk about. If you died today, do you know for sure you’d go to Heaven?”

“Lori,” he said, “I lived my life my way for many years. I was partying and doing stuff I knew was wrong, but I didn’t care. I turned my back on God.” He paused and collected his thoughts. “And you know what? I’d still be living that way if it wasn’t for HIV.”

He raised his eyes and continued. “I’ve asked God to forgive me, and I’m trusting him to walk with me through the rest of my life.” He paused again. “Someone asked me if I was mad at God for letting me get HIV. I told him I wasn’t.” He laughed softly, shaking his head. “God used HIV to save me from myself.” 

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  1. Wonderful post, Lori. So glad you shared it. and so glad you were able to reconnect with Jack before he died.

    1. Me too, Gail. It was a precious gift from God to hear his faith story. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Wow, powerful message. Thank you for sharing it with us. I'm looking forward to meeting Jack one day!

    1. Vonda,
      I'll be sure to introduce you -- you'll recognize him by his wonderful smile :) Thanks for stopping by today.

  3. Don't you just love God's divine appointments? I'm so glad you found the courage to ask about his faith and had the assurance of knowing he would one day be with Jesus! Can you imagine how you'd feel if you didn't?

  4. Thank you for sharing this. Gentle Joy


  5. i want to testify of what Prophet suleman did for me,i was referred to him by a friend and i was healed from HIV/AIDS,i have not seen any one as powerful as Prophet suleman, he is so powerful am a living testimony of his great deeds.i vowed to testify of his great work,all thanks to Prophet suleman for his healing , seeing is believing just put him to test and see his great work you can contact him via Email good luck


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