We know, of course, that the unsaved enjoy many of God’s blessings simply because they share the world in which we live. “The rain falls on the just and the unjust,” Matthew 5:45 says. God provides sunshine, rain, air, and food to all . Whether or not someone acknowledges that these gifts come from the generous hand of God, his provision is here for all to enjoy. God’s generosity is one of the ways he woos men and women to himself. “The goodness of God leads men to repentance,” Romans 2:4 says.
Unsaved men and women also benefit from intentionally applying God’s principles.
The Egyptians in the book of Exodus are a prime example of this. As plague after plague destroyed the land and afflicted the people, some Egyptians got smart. They began to connect the dots and see that the God Moses was always talking about might actually be real. And his word might actually be true. Though they didn’t know him as their Savior, they began to accept the truth of his Words and began basing their decisions on what he said.
When God through Moses announced he was going to bring a mighty hailstorm across the land, Pharaoh and most of the Egyptians scoffed. But the smart ones listened and brought their servants and livestock indoors. When the hailstorm came, just as Moses said, their people and animals were spared. Just like the Hebrews.
This is still true today. When non-Christians apply biblical principles of sacrificial love, kindness, respect, and fidelity to their marriages, their marriages are more likely to succeed. When they apply God’s standards of honesty, integrity, and hard work in their businesses, they tend to prosper. When unsaved men and women give generously, serve unselfishly, and live circumspectly, their lives are more likely to be full and productive. God’s principles are keys to successful living no matter who applies them.
Sadly, though, success in this life doesn’t translate into a successful eternity unless we have a relationship with Jesus Christ. We can have happy marriages, lucrative businesses, and full social lives without committing ourselves to God, but we’ll miss the greatest and most important part of all—a personal relationship with God himself.
And that’s a treasure more valuable than anything this world has to offer.
If you don’t yet have a personal relationship with God, may I invite you to consider it? For a simple explanation of the gospel, CLICK HERE. Perhaps you’d like to hear my story. I had everything the world said would make me happy, but I was miserable. CLICK HERE to hear my story.
Do you feel overloaded, overwhelmed, and overtired? I have the answer: the Women to Women Spring Conference at Springmaid Beach Resort in Myrtle Beach. I'll be joining the lovely Janet Powers Roller and Cherie Nettles to present "Too Stressed to Be Blessed? Come Away!" on March 28-30. It's an amazingly affordable weekend filled with practical Bible teaching, powerful praise music, and timely devotions. And did I mention LOTS of free time? Grab a girlfriend and come along! I’d love to have you join me. You’ll find all the information here:
Hungry for God is on Pinterest! If you're a Pinterest fan, I'd love to connect with you there. CLICK HERE to follow Hungry for God. I'd love to follow you back :)
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Why not order her a copy of Lori's devotional book for homeschooling moms, Joy in the Journey?With a devotional for every week of the school year, JITJ has application questions, an action step, and a prayer. It's suitable for your own devotional reading or for use by a support group for meeting ideas.
Don't start the new year without it!
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