Ten minutes later, under the quick fingers of my techno-savvy daughter Kristen, my blog was born.
Kind friends who believed I had something worth reading graciously subscribed. Thank you Sandy, Margaret, Jennifer, Deidre, Mandy, Carol, Alicia, and Jim. You've been with me since that first day, and I am grateful. Over the years, we've laughed together, cried together, and grown to love the Lord more. It's been a grand adventure, and I'm privileged to have you along to share the ride.
Thank you, kind readers, for staying with me through all my growing pains. Originally titled Be Not Weary, this blog has housed 393 posts to date and ministers to 467 subscribers. It's had one title change and two major re-designs (thank you, Gail). If you're reading by email and haven't visited the website lately, CLICK HERE for a peek at the most recent design.
If you continue to be blessed by Hungry for God, would you take a moment, pick a favorite post, and share it with a friend or on social media? Time is short, life is hard, and we can't go it alone. And while a cyber hug can't compare with a real one, I'd appreciate your help spreading God's love.
Books have long gestation periods, but I'm hoping for an easy pregnancy and a short labor. Call me an optimist :) With God, all things are possible. Stay
tuned for more details.
And for a touch of nostalgia, here's the very first post I ever published. It took all my self-control today not to reformat it. While the style is rudamentary, the message hasn't changed. Take it away, Winston!
My Dog Praises the Lord
Ever wonder why God commands everything that has breath to praise Him? And not just people, either. Everything. I actually think I've seen my dog, Winston, praise the Lord. It happens on days when he races around the yard in wide circles, ears flapping madly, tongue hanging out in a great big doggie grin. He is joyful to be alive, and runs in a fur-covered testimony of God's goodness.
I've seen (or heard) Juliebird the Lovebird praise the Lord. It is the only explanation for the days when she is all alone in the room, sun streaming into her cage, chirping her little heart out. There are no other birds, or humans for that matter, to be her audience, but perhaps she sings for her Maker. He made her to chirp and do other birdie things, and she does them as a testimony of His creative genius.
The Pharisees, in Luke 40, were offended by the praise of Jesus' disciples at his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. They challenged Him to rebuke his followers for voicing their praise. Jesus' answer tells us what He thinks of enthusiastic, heartfelt appreciation of Himself. "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out."
I believe that the command to praise is a discipline that God uses to help us remind ourselves of Whom it is that we serve. If we call out God's attributes, not only does He hear, but we also hear. Hearing how great, mighty, loving, merciful, just, wise, and good God is helps us put our circumstances in their proper perspective. Just because my circumstances are bad doesn't mean that God is bad. Praise reminds us of God's attributes regardless of my circumstances.
Ruth Myers, in her book Thirty-One Days of Praise, reminded me this morning to praise Him. Listen to her words: "I praise you for Your sovereignty over the broad events of my life and over the details.With You, nothing is accidental, nothing is incidental, and no experience is wasted. You hold in Your own power my breath of life and all my destiny. And every trial that You allow to happen is a platform on which You reveal Yourself, showing Your love and power both to me and to others looking on.Thank you that I can move into the future non-defensively, with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead, for You hold the future and You will always be with me, even to my old age. . . and through all eternity" (49).
Will you join me today in praising God?
Since we're feeling nostalgic, why not end our time together with a birthday wish from Elvis. This one's for you, Mom! (If you're reading by email an unable to see this video, CLICK HERE.)
And if you haven't subscribed to Hungry for God, what are you waiting for? Enter your email address in the subscription box below and you won't miss a single post in the new year.
Since we're feeling nostalgic, why not end our time together with a birthday wish from Elvis. This one's for you, Mom! (If you're reading by email an unable to see this video, CLICK HERE.)
And if you haven't subscribed to Hungry for God, what are you waiting for? Enter your email address in the subscription box below and you won't miss a single post in the new year.
Happy Birthday Lori! How exciting! Love the touch of Elvis singing! :)
ReplyDeleteI already shared my favorite post this week with many ladies, who I heard then turned around and shared it, too. But in honor of your blog birthday, I'll share another one!
So happy for you! So glad God is using your blog to bless many!
Congrats on your contract and your blog birthday! You have lots to celebrate! Happy, happy, happy.