
I'm Not as Wrinkled as I Was

If I were to list my least favorite household chores, ironing would be pretty close to the top.  Today I was ironing my husband's favorite pair or corduroy pants.  Most people probably don't iron corduroy, but we don't use a dryer, so this pair came off the line really really wrinkled.

It took forever to iron them, but I finally got them somewhat presentable.  I hoped the warp and woof of the fabric would hide the crinkles that still remained despite my concentrated efforts.  I wasn't so sure after my husband held them up and said, "Wow, these look kinda wrinkled."

"Not as wrinkled as they were!" I exclaimed in frustration, grabbing the iron again.

Like my husband's favorite pair of corduroys, I began my spiritual life wrinkled. Creased by selfishness, worry, anger, and a lack of gentleness, there was a lot that needed to be ironed out in me.

When I read 1 Corinthians 5:17, which tells me that if any (wo)man is in Christ, (s)he is a new creation, I wondered when the wrinkles of my old creation would disappear.  Some went away immediately upon my new birth. Others have needed years of ironing to straighten them out.

What brings me comfort is that as I fill myself up with God's word, quickly obey what he tells me to do, and earnestly seek to live a life that is pleasing to him, God does the rest. John 15 tells me that as I abide in him (draw spiritual nourishment and life from him), and allow his words to live in me, I will begin to bear spiritual fruit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Wow!

Best of all, I can rest in promise of Philippians 1:6 that tells me that he (God) who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it. It hasn't happened overnight, but it will happen.

If you are discouraged by besetting sins and character issues that keep manifesting themselves, take a few minutes to look back over the course of your Christian life. Especially note the ways God has changed you. Be encouraged when you see how God has already been at work, and trust him to continue the transformation he has begun. Join me as I say,

I may still be wrinkled, but I'm not as wrinkled as I was!

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