
When You Feel Hopeless

Think about the most significant faith challenge going in your life right now. 

It might be financial.

It might be relational. 

It might be physical. 

It might be emotional.

 It might be spiritual. 

Whatever it is, mentally isolate it and call it by name. 

Next, think about God.  Call to mind any promises that you have learned that apply to your trial.  Here are a few to get you thinking.

                I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)
                I will restore what the locust has eaten. (Joel 2:25)
                I will supply all your need according to My riches and glory. (Phil. 4:19)
                I will be your strong tower. (Proverbs 18:10)
                I will be your defender and your deliverer. (2 Samuel 22:2)
                I will cause you to dwell in safety. (Deuteronomy 33:12)
                That which I began, I will complete. (Phil 1:6)

Abraham was faced with a choice, very similar to the choice you will make today. He had a promise from God for a situation that seemed impossible. God had promised him a son, even though his body was physically unable to father a child.  

But God had promised.

And so Abraham had to choose. He had to choose to believe God.

Romans 4 tells us what he chose.

“He did not waver at the promise of God in unbelief . . . being fully convinced that what He (God) had promised He was also able to perform.” 

You have a choice today too.  It is the same one Abraham made.  Will you believe God’s promises?

Charles Spurgeon, in his timeless devotional Morning and Evening, says this, “In times of severe trial, the Christian has nothing on earth that he can trust and is therefore compelled to cast himself on his God alone . . . Do not dishonor your Lord and Master by unworthy doubts and fears; but be strong in faith, giving glory to God. . . this is the time for feats of faith.  Be strong and very courageous; God will certainly, as surely as He built the heavens and the earth, glorify Himself in your weakness and magnify His might in the midst of your distress.”

Abraham had a choice. 
So do you.

Will you believe?

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