
"Landing on an Aircraft Carrier" Visits the WOW Blog!

Hey everyone, WOW (Writing on the Word) Blog has picked up my devotional, "Landing on an Aircraft Carrier."  They have over 100 subscribers all over the world -- what fun to be able to share spiritual encouragement beyond my own little "Jerusalem."  :)

Landing on an Aircraft Carrier

Landing on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier is one of the most difficult things a navy pilot will ever do. The flight deck only has about 500 feet of runway space for landing planes. In order to land on the deck, the pilot must catch his plane’s tail hook on one of four arresting wires stretched across the deck of the carrier. If the pilot is successful and snags an arresting wire, it pulls the wire, stopping the plane.
According to the website “How Stuff Works,” (http://science.howstuffworks.com/) the arresting wire system can stop a 54,000-pound aircraft travelling 150 miles per hour in only two seconds.
There are two critical steps to the success of each landing. The first is that the pilot catches hold of the arresting wire with his plane’s tail hook. The second is that the arresting wire is strong enough to hold the plane and keep it from skidding off the runway, crashing into the sea.   For the rest of the story: Landing on an Aircraft Carrier.


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