Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Why You Don’t Have to Fear the Future – Profundity from Winnie-the-Pooh

Profundity appears in unusual places, but finding a gem in Disney's movie, Christopher Robin, didn’t catch me completely by surprise. 
As philosophers go, Winnie-the Pooh has long been known for wise-beyond-his-years serendipity. Disney’s latest version of Pooh’s adventures provides an ample supply of the short, fat, and proud-of-that bear’s snippets of wisdom. 
If you're struggling with fear as you ponder the future . . . 

 To read the rest of "Why You Don't Have to Fear the Future, please CLICK HERE. 


  1. Thanks for these thoughts Lori. So much. I especially like your insight that God provides us with just what we need in order for us to draw near because of our resulting dependence on Him.

    1. And thank you, Ellen, for adding to ththe conversation. Fear is such a default for so many of us. I’m so glad God makes provision for us. Blessings to you!

  2. Beautiful post! Thank you, Lori and Pooh. :-) If we could save ourselves, we wouldn't need a Savior. If life was always good, we wouldn't need a good, good Father. Love this: "This daily portion of grace and mercy tethers us to his side, where we are safe, instead of releasing us to the dangers of spiritual independence. "

    1. Amen, Karen. And I'm so glad we can't save ourselves. What an empty pursuit that would be. Instead, we are invited into the greatest relationship we could ever dream of. Lord, keep us close to your side! Thanks for stopping by today.

  3. Sometimes us chubby little cubbies all stuffed with fluff can posses great wisdom; especially when it's based on the truth of God's word. Such wisdom to remind up that "tomorrow can be too much." It's taken many years, but the only tomorrow I even concern myself with these days is what's promised in God's word. It's enough (in this life) to live today to the best I can, in hope of what God promises to have in His future. Even us willy nilly silly old bears know that. :-) God's blessings sweet friend. If you've never seen the movie "Winnie"; it's a must see with your older grandchildren; or just with Mr. David on a chilly winter's evening, with tea and honey of course.

  4. As a professional worrier becoming a learning-to-trust-er, I often wrestle with the temptation to take on tomorrow's worries before I have the grace to carry them. Your philosophy would make Pooh proud -- lick every bit of joy out of the bottom of today's honey pot (even if honey comes with bees), and trust God for the next day's honey. He always provides. I'll certainly look into "Winnie." Sounds delightful :)


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