Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Could God Be Testing You?

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  1. What a beautiful post! I follow your blog and have you on my sidebar, so when I saw your title I HAD to come right over! :) You've presented a very interesting concept--when He's testing us and our faith He's giving us the opportunity to recognize and confirm our faith, which further strengthens it! We may trust and have faith in His will, but to also see it as an invaluable lesson to ourselves. As you say, He knows where our hearts are. Like Abraham and Hezekiah, we need to know too. That's another of His gifts to us!

    Thank you!

    1. I'm so glad you stopped by, Zuni, and thank you for commenting. You're absolutely right that it's very empowering to take a stand and say, "No matter what, I'm going to trust God." May God richly bless you as you seek him.

  2. What a beautiful post! I follow your blog and have you on my sidebar, so when I saw your title I HAD to come right over! :) You've presented a very interesting concept--when He's testing us and our faith He's giving us the opportunity to recognize and confirm our faith, which further strengthens it! We may trust and have faith in His will, but to also see it as an invaluable lesson to ourselves. As you say, He knows where our hearts are. Like Abraham and Hezekiah, we need to know too. That's another of His gifts to us!

    Thank you!

  3. We are His, so we are tested. However, I struggle with, "This is a forever test," and "What if I'm not passing?" Today I'm needing to see the grace in the trial.

    1. Oh,Jennifer, I found myself nodding YES to your poignant comment. Sometimes in the midst of trials, we despair and wonder if the press of life will ever be lifted. Will the sun every shine again? We experienced this recently during a family members illness and death. I can tell you with certainty, you will smile again. You will feel the burden lift, and you will come forth, as Job said, "as gold."

      My pastor used to say, "The Christian life is less about me holding on to God, and more about him holding on to me." I pray you will feel his arms carrying you, and everywhere you look, you'll see evidence of his care. Blessings to you, sister.

  4. I've long shared with those I endeavor to disciple; "God tests, Satan tempts." When asked the difference, I try to explain it as a test from God involves your making a decision, to demonstrate you have learned the "right path." The test is in choosing to take it. A temptation is something that is enticing to your human nature. When you enter into a temptation, you fail to choose what is right. A temptation is never slanted toward making a right spiritual decision. It always leads away from God's teachings. I wish I could tell you that I never fall to temptation and always pass God's testing, but I don't think any of us will reach perfection in this world. Thus, we have God's grace in our lives. Wonderful post Ms. Lori. Thank you ma'am.


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