Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Why We Need Quiet and How to Get It

We live in a noisy world.

Devices ding, ping, jangle, and whistle. Media delivers a non-stop monologue. And then there are those blessed people whom God has placed in our lives—those who call us Mom, Dad, Husband, Wife, Grandma, Grandpa, Co-worker, Boss, Friend, Fellow-church member, and Passerby.

And if outside noise isn’t enough, there’s also a whole lot of noise in our heads. Sometimes it’s productive, because it reminds us of important stuff we need to do, but most of the time, it’s just environmental overflow from the hubbub around us. It elbows its way into the quiet spots in our heads like a 300-lb. man squeezing himself into the seat beside us on an airplane.

This post has moved to my new website, Refresh. To finish reading, please CLICK HERE.


  1. Thank you Lori, I've been taking my quiet time in the morning when everyone is still sleeping and it has helped me a lot especially taking to God and doing my devotional.

    1. I agree. The early mornings, although it's hard to climb out of bed, are the best times for me to meet with God. No distractions, peace and quiet, and time to reflect. Only I don't close my eyes for too long or you know what happens :) zzzzz

  2. Among the favorite parts of my day, after my early morning "God time" of course, is when Bubba the chocolate lab and I make our rounds. We end up either sitting atop the hill at the back of our property or under the shade of the pine trees near the barn to spend a few quiet moments with God. Those "breaks", which almost always end with Bubba's head pressed against my chest on upon my lap, give me quiet, peace, and an opportunity to process all that's gone on since I last spoke with Abba. Indeed, quiet time is what brings balance in my life. Wonderful post ma'am.

    1. You paint a beautiful picture, J.D. I'm not surprised God meets you there :)

  3. I enjoy spending time on the deck praying and studying my Bible. Being outside in God’s creation is calming and reminds me of His presence. Your post encourages me to spend more time, Lori, due to the benefits you mentioned. Thank you.

  4. Great word, Lori. Love the thought of how quiet restores our soul. We need solitude with the Lord to not only drown out the noisy world, but to also hear from the God of the universe.

  5. I've come to realize I genuinely NEED quiet. It heals me and draws me closer to God!


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