Hungry for God; Starving for Time


What Makes Us Brave

I’m not brave.

You won’t catch me parasailing off the back of a cruise ship, rappelling down a mountain, or jumping out of an airplane. When my girls were little, I wouldn’t even ride the kiddie roller coaster with them at the fair. “If you want to ride THAT ride,” I told them, “you’re on your own.”

This is why I had to chuckle when a patient of mine, hearing I had gone to Japan, remarked, “Wow, you’re BRAVE.” I’ve gotten similar responses about my two mission trips to Mexico. People also call me courageous when they hear I’m a women’s ministry speaker.

“I could NEVER stand up in front of people and speak,” they say. “You’re very brave.”

And when they hear that I asked a stranger if I could pray for her? Over-the-top brave according to most people’s estimation.

I smile when I think about these comments, because I know that a timid, cowardly heart beats inside my chest. Within my own strength, I am decidedly NOT brave.

So why do I do brave things? 

This post has moved over to my new blog, Refresh. To read the rest of the post, CLICK HERE.


  1. You are brave! Enjoy Japan and know that there's at least one other chicken-heart who'd gladly do the same. I've learned that following the Lord into such challenging circumstances grows confidence in who He is. That's why I'm about to sell my own house. Gimme more. ;-) Yes, I'll be praying for you.

  2. Thank you, Sandra. You're right--every step outside our comfort zone brings us a step closer to the courage that only God can give. I'll be praying for you. Thanks for praying for me. May God bless your brave step :).

  3. I have been struggling with the biggest professional decision of my adult life. While some of the choices are easier than others, there is not an obvious path and none of the paths will be a cakewalk. I realize God is asking me to trust Him through this season. He does make us brave, and He doesn't leave us to do it alone. Thank you, as always, for your thought-provoking words here.

    1. Bethanie, I just saw this comment and am praying for God to fill you with his knowledge, insight, and courage. Blessings to you, friend!

  4. I've learned in this life there is a real difference between bravery and bravado. Having been an airborne solider, and many other silly adventures in my youth, the bravest thing I've ever done is surrendering my life to Christ and serving Him. The scariest thing I've done is to begin the journey to become a Christian author. Am still on this path, and it's still scary sometimes, but knowing He brings friends alongside to guide, encourage, and teach me makes all the difference in the world. It's easier to be brave when you understand you're not alone. Wonderful post ma'am.

    1. I agree, J.D., that the scary path isn't so scary when you walk it with friends. From the moment of our salvation, God places us into a family. Then he connects us with brothers and sisters along the different paths He leads us on. Sharing the (scary) journey makes us all braver. And best of all, God walks beside us every step of the way. Boy am I glad. God's blessings on your writing journey, friend!

  5. I never wanted to be a writer. After my girls were in school, I began my career as an engineer. I loved it! Then God called. Right after I was laid off, He asked me to write. I freaked out. Our conversation was lively and not always respectful on my part. Obeying was the most frightening thing I've ever done. I'm working on #2 and I'm still scared.

  6. Sherry, I love the way the Lord called, then closed one door to open the new one He wanted you to walk through. And scared is okay, as long as we cling to Him. Courage, as I've heard, isn't the absence of fear, it's doing the right thing even when we're afraid. Sounds to me like you have God-given courage! May God continue to bless your obedience, friend!


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