Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Six Words When You Feel Frazzled

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands," Psalm 19:1-3 tells us. 

"Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard."

Even though creation surrounds me, sometimes I don’t really see it. 

Most days the busyness of my life convinces me I don’t have time to stop. To gaze at the sunrise. To savor the cool breeze. To notice a tiny flower. 

I find, too, when I busily whiz past God’s creation, I also whiz past its Creator. 

It’s ironic, because it’s during these supersonic, speed-of-light-days that I most need a glimpse of God. I need a reminder that he's the center of the universe, not me. 

So today I choose to linger long and marvel at the earth’s masterpiece of praise to its Creator. I invite you to come with me. 

May you have eyes to see and hearts to receive what God is saying to us.

When I see ripening grapes hanging on an arbor, I am reminded that He is the vine, and I am a branch. Connected to him, I can bear much fruit. Apart from him, I become a raisin.

When I see variety in a sea of sameness, I am reminded that I am a unique creation, perfectly designed for the Master's use.

When I see towering cliffs and lofty trees, vast expanses of sea and soaring heights, I am reminded that God is big, and I am small.

When I see flashes of lighting and hear the crash of thunder, I experience a tiny portion of God's great power. I am awestruck and strangely comforted.

When I see the bond between humans and animals, I am reminded that God knows what I need before I even ask him.

When I see the beauty of a sunset, I am reminded that the sky is God's canvas, and all the world is his gallery.

When I see a sleeping child resting safely in her mother's arms, I am reminded that I, too, can rest securely in my heavenly Father's embrace.

If you're whizzing past creation and whizzing past the God of creation, I have six words for you:

Slow down.

Breathe deeply.

Look around.

Not only will you see the beauty of creation, you'll also see the beauty of the Creator. And that, my friends, changes everything.

Happy Monday.

Now it's your turn: What does creation tell you about its Creator? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts. If you're reading by email, click here to visit Hungry for God online, scroll to the bottom of the blog post, and leave a comment to encourage us all.


Five years ago, after a 17 years of homeschooling, I wrote a devotional book to encourage homeschooling moms.

Every year since then, I've offered Kindle copies for free at the beginning of the school year.

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If you live within driving distance of Brookville, PA, I’d love for you to join me for A Wardrobe for All Seasons—Dressing for Spiritual Success, a one-day women’s conference on Saturday, September 17. I’ll share 3 workshop sessions: “Stepping Out, How Our Footwear Impacts Our Faith,” “Clean Out That Closet,” and “A Hat for All Seasons—Serving God In Every Stage of Life.” 

Cost is $35, which includes lunch, a t-shirt, and a copy of my book, Hungry for God…Starving for Time. For more information and to register, contact Kathy Shaffer at

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  1. I know this may sound extremely cheesy but I don't mean it to. When I see bee's I'm reminded to believe in God and His Words.

    1. I, too find even the tiniest creatures fascinating. They are definitely a testimony to God's handiwork.

  2. I know this may sound extremely cheesy but I don't mean it to. When I see bee's I'm reminded to believe in God and His Words.

  3. Love nature and taking nature pictures. They do make me feel closer to God. My favorite are sunsets and sunrises. I live sunsets that remind me that the weeping only endures for the night and to anticipate the joy that comes in the morning. The sunrises remind me that His mercies are new for that day and specific for what I need for that day. And my other favorite are pictures of water. With Jesus I don't thirst. He is all I need and the water also reminds me to make sure I'm reflecting God in all I do and say.

  4. Love nature and taking nature pictures. They do make me feel closer to God. My favorite are sunsets and sunrises. I live sunsets that remind me that the weeping only endures for the night and to anticipate the joy that comes in the morning. The sunrises remind me that His mercies are new for that day and specific for what I need for that day. And my other favorite are pictures of water. With Jesus I don't thirst. He is all I need and the water also reminds me to make sure I'm reflecting God in all I do and say.

    1. Roz, I grew up in Narragansett Bay in RI, so I had the rare privilege of seeing the sun set over the ocean on the East Coast. On the other side of town, I could see the sun rise over the ocean. Like you, they always make me think of God's handiwork and amazing creativity. Thanks for sharing today.

  5. Lori, thank you for this post. I love how God speaks to us through creation. It's a blessing to see His handiwork during my drives to and from church (it's a sizable distance and fairly rural).


    1. I know what you mean, Kim, farmlands and open vistas provide beautiful opportunities to marvel at God's creative genius. Seeing that on the way to church is even better--it invites us to worship before we even begin our services :)


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