Hungry for God; Starving for Time


4 Reasons Why You Can't Quit, Part II

Quitting is mighty tempting sometimes. A body grows weary striving, persevering, and believing when all the evidence and sometimes your own spirit says Quit. Give Up. Surrender.

In my last post, I shared Part I of 4 Reasons You Can't Quit. Today I'll share two more. If you missed Part I, click here

Reason 3: A breakthrough may be just around the corner. 

My husband, David, became a Christian at age 17. Excited about his newfound faith and eager to pass along the joy and life transformation he was experiencing, he shared the Gospel with his older brother, Luther.

Luther was a rough and tough man’s man who wasn’t interested in “religion.” He liked his life the way it was, and he didn’t need his little brother “preaching to him.” One day he got so mad that he threatened him.

“If you ever talk to me about religion again, I will punch you in the face.”

David stopped sharing.

But he didn’t stop praying.

He prayed for his brother for 26 years. He continued to ask God for opportunities to share the Gospel again, but he knew it would have to be with Luther’s permission and on Luther’s terms.

One day Luther received news he didn’t want to hear: “You have lung cancer.”

David went to see him. With fear and trembling, he shared the Gospel one more time.

“I’ll think about it,” Luther said.

Two weeks later he confessed his sin to God and asked Christ to be his Savior.

What if David had quit?

I know God could and would have saved Luther another way, but David would have missed out on the joy of being part of persevering in faith.

You can’t quit, because a breakthrough may be just around the corner.

Reason 4: Others are watching you.

Just like we don’t sin in a vacuum, we also don’t struggle in a vacuum. It’s easy to think that our difficulties only affect ourselves, but they don’t. We are part of what Hebrews 11 calls “a great cloud of witnesses.” 

 As you persevere in prayer and faith for your prodigal, others are watching you. As you refuse to give up on your marriage, others are watching you. As you trust God for financial provision and see him meet your needs, others are watching you. As you suffer for doing what's right, others are watching you.

There are two groups of people watching you struggle: the believers and the skeptics.

Those who share your faith are watching to see if God is going to enable you to persevere and see how he answers your prayers and meets your needs.

Those who are skeptical of your faith are watching you, too. They’re watching to see if God is going to enable you to persevere and if he answers your prayers and meets your needs.

They’re wondering too, if you’ll continue to believe in God when trials come. They want to see if the faith you’ve proclaimed in the good times is strong enough to carry you through the bad times.

If you quit, both groups lose, because faith is contagious, and so is unbelief. If you not only survive your trial, but meet God in the midst of it, others’ faith will grow. They’ll know that the same God who met your needs, carried you through, and worked on your behalf can do the same for them. Every time you exercise your spiritual muscles, other believers will grow stronger because of your example.

The unsaved will also benefit when you choose to persevere. As they watch you weather your trials, they’ll see a powerful example of how God can and does work in his children's lives. Even if nothing changes, you'll have the opportunity to demonstrate the genuineness of your faith.

Like Satan when he tested Job, people expect Christians to serve God when he is blessing them. Trials, however, have a way of weeding out the nominally committed. A Christian who remains steadfast despite difficulties shines a bright light into an unsaved person’s soul.

When you’re tempted to quit, look around you. Think of the Christians who are watching your example. Then think of the people you love who don’t know Christ.

You can’t quit, because others are watching you. 

"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain" (1 Cor. 15:58).

As I conclude this challenge not to quit, I’d like to leave you with my favorite passage of hope from the book of Isaiah, 43:1-3:

“…this is what the LORD says—he who created you, __________ (insert your name here), he who formed you,:

"'Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.

When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;'”

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  1. Thank you for these words of faith and encouragement. I needed them this morning.

    1. You're welcome, Christine. From my heart to yours, press on in faith!

  2. I really benefited from this two-part series. Thank you! Is the bookmark pictured here (4 Reasons You Can't Quit)available to download or purchase?

    1. I'm so glad, Linda, to have encouraged you. As for the 4 Reason image, I'd be glad to email you the image so you can print it and use it as a bookmark. Use the Contact Me button in the sidebar to send me your email address, and I'll send it your way.


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