Hungry for God; Starving for Time


When I Am Afraid

“Giiiiiiiiii gi!” 

My two-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter’s frightened cry pierced the happy quiet of my backyard. 

Moments before, she’d been playing peacefully. Now she was racing toward me, her eyes wide with fear. Kneeling down, I opened my arms, and she flung herself into them, her breath coming in short, hard gasps. 

“What’s wrong, baby girl?” I asked, looking around for a big dog or a scary snake. 

“Airplane,” she said, pointing to the sky. 

Sure enough, there was a jet, high in the sky, making its noisy ascent from the nearby airport. 

“That airplane won’t hurt you,” I said, wrapping my arms around her trembling little body, “but you did good to come to Gigi. Gigi will always protect you.” 

This morning in my quiet time I read Psalm 56:3, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” 

It reminded me of the way Lauren ran to me when the airplane frightened her. Because she’s learned to trust me, she instinctively knew I would protect her. Her child-like faith rested securely in me. 

I want to be like Lauren when big, scary things disrupt my life and make me afraid. Only instead of running to a person for protection, I want to run straight into the loving arms of my heavenly Father. I know I can trust him, because he’s demonstrated over and over again how much he loves me. 

“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Rom. 8:32). 

I love Lauren, and I would die to save her. God loves me even more, and he already died to save me. What further proof do I need that I can trust him with whatever comes my way? 

Although 50 years separate Lauren and me, we’re a lot alike. We are both frightened easily, but we also both know where to run for safety. 

What about you? Is something big and scary threatening you today? Run to Jesus.

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  1. Thanks,Lori, for sharing with us. We are all prone to fear but the important thing is to know what to do about it and not let the fear run our lives. God is Lord over all!

    1. Amen, Barbara. Well said. Thanks for stopping by today. :)

  2. Lori, thank you for this beautiful picture of running to the arms of the Lord for comfort and protection (particularly when we're afraid). Today, I have decided to rest in the Lord's arms for comfort now in the next few weeks during a time of transition. My heart is sad, yet happy too, knowing that the time is right for the change. God is in this.


    1. Oh, Kim, transition is definitely SCARY. I'm glad you know that you never go anywhere without the Lord going with you. I'll be praying for him to comfort and encourage your heart.

  3. What a sweet story, Lori. Great comparison to our lives and running to God when we don't know what to do.

    1. We learn so many valuable lessons from children, don't we, Ellen? The faith of a little child is an example to us all. Blessings to you this good day!

  4. Amen. To trust Him is the best antidote for fear.

    1. And really, it's the only one that has any lasting power. Thanks for chiming in today, friend.


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