Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Special Opportunity - Blog Talk Radio Interview

When God gives us a story to tell, he usually also gives us a chance to tell it. Sometimes more than one.

Many of you prayed for me as I shared Everyone Has a Story -- What's Yours? with the women's ministry of Spring Valley Baptist Church earlier this month.

Here's an excerpt from the promotional literature:

Everyone Has a Story—What’s Yours?

Six ordinary women. Six extraordinary stories.

In Everyone Has a Story—What’s Yours?, Lori Hatcher, Editor of South Carolina’s Reach Out, Columbia magazine, shares the stories of six local women she’s met through her work at the magazine. Each has encountered a serious faith challenge—a job loss, the death of a spouse, a cancer diagnosis, and a brutal murder are just a few. As they’ve stepped out in faith and said “yes” to God, they’ve seen Him work in amazing ways.

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll see yourself within their stories. Best of all, you’ll come away with a greater sense of how God can use your story for His glory. Becky, Bren, Buffy, Jenny, Marcia, and Ann Marie. 

Everyone has a story—What’s yours?

Radio talk host Debbie Somjak, founder of Unfolded Hearts Ministry, and  the radio host of Unfolded Hearts radio invited me to share some of the stories I've included in Everyone Has a Story. For those of you too far away to host an Everyone Has a Story event, here's your chance to listen in!

On Monday, April 29 at 9 a.m., I'll be talking with Debbie on BlogTalk radio. CLICK HERE to listen in by computer.  I hope you'll join me there!


  1. lorihatcher10:17 PM

    Fun times -- I get to tell some fantastic stories without worrying about my hair or make up! ;) Radio -- gotta love it!

  2. Yes, I've done radio in my PJs. Fun!


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