Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Shiny White Shoes - A Guest Post

Hungry for God welcomes my friend and guest blogger, Gail Purath, from Bible Love Notes today. Thanks, Gail, for sharing your thoughts with us.

 My friend Jane had a rough childhood. Once she was left alone with a sex offender at a neighbor's house. But the moment he grabbed her, a loud knock on the door scared him away.

Seven-year-old Janey answered the door to find a lovely woman asking directions. It would have been impossible to cross the muddy yard to the door without dirtying her shoes, but this woman stood on the porch with the shiniest white shoes Janey had ever seen.

Years later when Jane became a Christian, she felt sure this was an angel sent to spare her. 

But God didn’t always spare little Janey, and that’s a mystery that troubles most of us.

Yet Jane, who lived that mystery, has a peace about it all. She knows she’ll have a shiny white eternity, and that is more than enough for her.

Sometimes we struggle with things intellectually that are only fully understood by elite saints who have experienced them in real life. And those people are our angels, sent to tell us that God's love is shiny white and able to carry us over the muddiest of mysteries.

Some pertinent Scripture passages related to angels:
Matthew 18:10;   Hebrews 1:14

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  1. I've probably mentioned this before but when I was a little girl I was nearly kidnapped by a man who had JUST got out of prison. A woman saved me and I don't know her name or anything about her, but I will always be grateful that God used her to save me.

    Because of sin in this world sometimes terrible things happen. We can know that the sin grieves God's heart and we can also believe that He will redeem our pain and hurt and anger. He can take it away and fill us with His love and peace and remove the bitterness.

    Thanks so much for linking up to the "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party today! :)

  2. This is a very special story,Gail, and thanks Lori for sharing on your blog and over at WholeHearted Home.


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