Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Does EVERYTHING have to be about God?

"Does EVERYTHING have to be about God?" she spat out, lip curled in disgust. Shocked at the  emotion that launched her question, I struggled to formulate an answer. 

"Yes," I choked out as quick tears sprang to my eyes, "It's who I am. . . "

Luke explained it this way in Acts 17:29: "For in him we live and move and have our being."
My neighbors are sold out University of South Carolina Gamecock football fans. They absolutely love the team. 

They wear clothing that reflects their loyalty, plan their weekends around home games, and rise in the wee hours of the morning to attend away games, where they sit with other fans and cheer loudly every time the team scores. They volunteer for the booster club, donate to the scholarship fund, and sport vanity plates on their cars identifying themselves as fans.

Whenever we speak, the conversation eventually turns either to the upcoming game or the previous one. They've memorized their favorite players' stats and know the home state and college affiliation of each of them. They wouldn't be caught dead wearing orange for fear someone would think they were Clemson tiger fans. There's no doubt about it. They LOVE the Gamecocks.

For me, Christianity is a lot like football. On a much grander scale.

I love God. My clothing choices reflect my desire to honor him. I plan my activities around a commitment to Sunday worship, and I've traveled to a foreign country to join other believers to support God's kingdom. I volunteer to teach Sunday School, give a portion of my income to missions and the church, and sport a car magnet that says PRAY. 

Whenever I speak, conversation eventually turns to what God is doing in the world around me. I've memorized portions of his Word have a reasonable grasp of history as it relates to the church.  I try not to do anything that dishonors my Savior. I hope it's obvious to those around me that I love God.

My Gamecock-loving neighbors aren't trying to earn their team's love, but their love for the team determines their actions. As a believer, I'm not trying to earn (or keep) God's love, but my love for him charts the course of my life--where I spend my time, how I invest my money, and what I talk about. "If you love me," Christ says, "keep my commandments" (John 14:15).

When  you squeeze a toothpaste tube, what comes out is what's inside. When you squeeze a Christian, what comes out should be what's inside--Jesus.

Pastor/Teacher John Piper writes, "God is ever-present and gives all things their most important meaning. He is the creator, sustainer, and governor of all things. We must keep in our minds the truth that all things exist to reveal something of God's infinite perfections. The full meaning of everything, from shoestrings to space shuttles, is the way they relate to God."

Does everything have to be about God?


I invite you to join in the conversation. Have you ever been criticized for having too much God in your life? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.

 If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy "Soap-flavored Crackers and Banana-flavored Chips."

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• Is my situation hopeless?
• If God already knows what he’s going to do, why bother to pray? 
• Why have you allowed this to happen to me? 
• No one appreciates what I do. Why shouldn’t I quit? 

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  1. Hi Lori ! This resonates with me very much ! As a teenager I was made fun of a lot because of my faith. I've been called names and people have avoided me altogether. But like you said, I just can't see myself leaving God out of anything in my life. My whole life is centered around the Lord and I am glad it is !

    Thanks for sharing this inspiring post. God bless you.

    Gertrude @ A Chosen Remnant.

    1. Gertrude,

      You're right. When we "taste and see that the LOrd is good," we cannot exchange that for comfort and a lack of confrontation some times. THis world is not a friend of Christ or his children. Thanks for stopping by!

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  3. Just the best post...What a testimony!

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I am a pastor's wife who loves Jesus! I realize that everything is about Him. Unfortunately we have folks in our church who think that my family and I are "fanatics"! Praise God! I also strongly believe that CHRISTmas is about Jesus and not Santa. Many in our church don't seem to understand that either.

    Thank you for the devo today, Lori. It was very touching. I am thankful that you're my friend, sister and kindred spirit.

    1. Friend,
      I was thinking today about how even Jesus' family at one point thought he was crazy. But he was faithful to the mission God called him to, and one day, oh, one glorious day, they finally understood. I'm comforted by the epistles of First, Second, and Third John, written by Christ's brother, who finally came to know him as he truly was. Be not weary, dear sister. Keep shining the light, even though the darkness doesn't understand it, it can't deny its effects.

  5. Great post and I am writing down this quote in my prayer journal today, it's great Lori.." As a believer, I'm not trying to earn (or keep) God's love, but my love for him charts the course of my life--where I spend my time, how I invest my money, and what I talk about."

    As a born again believing teenager in high school I went through some challenging times. Kids would mock, make fun of my faith, etc, one gal everytime she saw me would put up her hands in mock prayer to me! But Christ within gave me heart and spirit to live for Him, unashamedly. When it got tough, God and His spirit in me was sufficient. I ended up loving high school, and had friends as I lived out my christian life, not hiding it. Now, 34 years later, Christ is still alive and working in my life and I've raised 4 teens to serve Christ and to make "everything about God".
    Great post, love it,

    1. Oh, Anna, what an encouragement to those reading today who are weary and doubting. You are bearing the fruit of a life lived to the glory of God, and there is "no greater joy than to know my children are walking in truth." If you had compromised, I suspect those children might not be where they are today without that example. Be not weary, dear friend!

  6. This is great, Lori. And I think I remember you telling me who is was who said this to you.
    I love your analogy with the sports lovers too.

  7. I loved your post! I have had that same conversation with family members. It always amazes me that they think nothing of sharing what's important to them, but as soon as I share anything in my life that has a hint of "Jesus" about it, then I am "preaching to them." The Holy Spirit has a way of bringing conviction at the mention of "HIS" name. I just keep loving, praying and sharing with them as I can. Who knows how God will use our words and actions! God bless ~

    1. Ronda,

      It's often the truth that stings the most. Just keep speaking the truth in love. God can be trusted with the results.

  8. Your post brought up something in me. I was a young Christian and no one else in my family was a Christian. I was new to Jesus and His word and all the great things. Everything in my life was about God and being a Christian. Well to make a long story short my family got mad at me and one by one they got mad at me and started attacking me. Because of this I pulled away from my relationship with Christ. I honestly struggle now with getting back where I was. This post makes me miss those days. Thank you so much for sharing.
    P.S. I am your newest follower from the Faith Filled Fridays

    1. Patricia,
      It is very hard, especially as a young woman AND a young believer, to buck the tide of family opinion. One of the greatest comforts to me when I know I have disappointed Christ (sadly, more often than I care to think about) is that he knows that we are "but dust." I think of Abraham, David, Moses, who disappointed God and drifted (or deliberately walked) away, and how God always welcomed them home with open arms when they came to him in repentance and sincerity. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. I pray your journey will take you back into the fullness of his presence today. Blessings to you, dear sister.

  9. Thank you for this post. Yes it does!

    Found you via Mommy Moments

  10. Nice to meet you Lori! I found your site on Missional Women and read your blog, (& surfed around some of the other pages.) You answered this question in a way I have never found the words to respond to. You express my sentiments exactly! I tweeted a link out to the blog. Keep writing!

    1. Vicky,

      Welcome to Be Not Weary. So glad to have you surfing along :) Sometimes it's lonely being sold out to Jesus. That's why encouragement from sisters means so much. Keep shining the light, dear heart!

  11. Yes, does have to be about God! No matter what happens and whether you believe it or not, god is always there.
    I haven't ever been confronted face on like you were, but I hope if/ when I am, I can respond as God would have me to.

  12. What an excellent reminder to us all! Thanks for linking up with us for Mommy Moments Monday!

  13. I enjoyed this very much because I've been there. Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from Raising Homemakers.


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