Hungry for God; Starving for Time

Joy in the Journey

Joy in the Journey - Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms

“The lifestyle of a homeschooling mother is unique and challenging.  In the press of academics, extra-curricular activities, and life’s demands, we sometimes lose sight of the fact that homeschooling is a spiritual endeavor.  We forget that God wants to equip us and enable us to succeed.”
 ~ Lori Hatcher, author and homeschooling veteran

In Joy in the Journey – Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms, veteran homeschooler Lori Hatcher speaks candidly about the unique challenges homeschooling mothers face today.  With humor and faith she shares lessons from her own homeschooling journey and challenges you to press on.

With a devotion for every week of the school year, Lori tackles tough subjects such as discouragement, sibling relationships, busyness, priorities, and character training (yours and theirs).  She’ll teach you how to know the difference between good, better, and best, and how to seek God for everything you need to homeschool your children successfully.
Lori speaks frankly about the Six Reasons Homeschooling Moms Quit and how you can avoid them.  Best of all, she offers hope and insight for those who are enjoying success and those who are struggling.

Interactive and engaging, each devotion is accompanied by application questions, an action step, and a prayer of commitment.  Joy in the Journey is perfect for your personal quiet time or for use by your support group for discussion topics and meeting ideas.

Like a visit with a wise friend, Lori’s words come alongside you to cheer you on through the joys and struggles of homeschooling motherhood.

Special Insert:  "Six Reasons Homeschooling Moms Quit and How to Avoid Them."

Joy In the Journey ~ Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms  

Humbled to be a featured resource on's homeschool page

What homeschooling moms are saying about Joy in the Journey:

"I want to share again how much your book is speaking to my heart. I truly feel renewed and now found my vision again for homeschooling my son. I had become weary and, honestly, I had become a little selfish and irritable. God is using your book to get me grounded again, renew my vision, and I feel so much better about next year for us."  ~ an army wife and homeschooling mom

"Lori Hatcher's very real talk about homeschooling's challenges and joys is the encouragement parents need. The scripture, devotion, action step, and prayer of commitment nourish and inspire. Joy in the Journey has long been needed in the homeschooling community. - Deena C. Bouknight, freelance writer and homeschooling mom for 7 years

" This is a must have for every homeschooling mother!! I was so encouraged by it that I plan to start it every August and read it weekly through the school year to keep me encouraged. This book is very well written. Lori did a wonderful job addressing all the many issues that homeschooling mothers experience. She also shed light on the great blessings and responsibilities that come with training our children in the way they should go. I was especially blessed by the prayers at the end of each week's devotional. Sometimes homeschooling can be overwhelming that you don't know what to pray. I know the prayers will be an encouragement to motivate me to press on through each school year. I am definitely recommending this to all my homeschooling friends. Thanks, Lori, for giving us mothers an encouraging tool to help us through our homeschooling journey! :)  ~ Amanda Beth


  1. Hi Lori,

    Just wanted to let you know my biopsy came out negative. Praise God! I could not find the blog.


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