Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Random or God-Sent? How Kindness Changes Everything

I was feeling overwhelmed. 

I was trying to be all things to all people—people I love and consider it an honor to serve. The fact that I was running behind didn't help my angst. On the way to bring food and supplies to my dad and my mom, who’d just gotten out of the hospital, nothing had gone as planned that morning.

The grand boys and I decided to stop at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts to pick up a dozen doughnuts, because doughnuts fix everything, right? The drive thru line was a mile long, so I parked, unstrapped both boys from their car seats, and headed in. 

Just grab a dozen doughnuts and get back on the interstate for the 30-mile drive to Mom and Dad's. While we waited for our doughnuts, a young guy with a huge smile struck up a conversation with Andrew, the three year old, who had his nose pressed up against the doughnut case. 

When I pulled out my card to pay for the doughnuts, the guy said to the cashier, “I got this,” and handed her his card.. When I protested, he insisted. 

“I do this about once a month,” he said. “I wait for a group to walk in and take care of their order. It brings me joy. I work as a mentor to youth and help them get on the right path.” 

These doughnuts are for my mom and dad," I told him. "Mom was just released from  the hospital. So you’re not just blessing us, you’re blessing them, too.” 

He smiled even bigger. 

"May I take your picture?" I asked. "People post pictures on social media of people doing bad stuff all the time. I’d like to post a picture of someone doing something good for a change.” 

We posed. He smiled. 

And then he was gone.

You can’t see my smile behind my mask, but you can probably see the tears that sprang to my eyes. 

That young man had no idea what my week had been like, but God did. He moved him to be the hands and feet of Jesus to me. 

Sometimes God moves mountains and parts seas. Other times He buys doughnuts for an overwhelmed woman trying to love and care for her family. 

Thank you, kind stranger, for blessing us with your random act of kindness.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights," (James 1:17).

Have you ever been the recipient of a random act of kindness? Have you ever performed one? Leave a comment and share your story.

Do you live within driving distance of South Carolina?
Are you ready to gather with sisters in Christ for fellowship, games, door prizes, an amazing lunch, and spiritual encouragement?

Please join me at the

Princeton Baptist Church Ladies' Spring Luncheon
Princeton Baptist Church, Honea Path, SC
Saturday, May 8

I'll be sharing the message, 
"Uncommon Hope -- Four Reasons Not to Lose Heart."

The event is free, and childcare is provided, but you must REGISTER.
For more information, contact 
Debbie at
or phone Irene at 864-369-2275.

Does Your Faith Need Refreshing?

That's in the Bible? I've never noticed that before!

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When the fabulous has become familiar and your quiet times are more like nap times, it's time to step out of spiritual boredom and ignite the spark that will keep you growing. No matter where you are on your faith journey, Lori's conversational and engaging style will challenge you to think about things you've never thought about before.

“Real-life inspiration and candid wit. These 5-minute devotions will change your life.” —Psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Kevin Leman, commenting on Lori Hatcher's devotional style

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  1. That’s so wonderful Lori! It definitely shines the light on Hebrews 1:14 “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” See you soon!

    1. YES, Cathy, I do feel like I had an angelic encounter :)

  2. Your message brought a smile and the remembrance of a special stranger that helped me after an automobile accident. Isn't it wonderful how God sends His "angels" just when we need them? Thanks for sharing joy today. I know what those overly busy days are like. Wishing you continued blessings in your ministry.

    1. Thank you so much, Katherine, for sharing your kindness story. My encounter made me want to be even more aware of the people around me so I can touch them in Jesus' name, much like your auto accident experience. Blessings to you, friend!

  3. It was 1980 in Northern NJ on a hot and humid afternoon. I was driving home on I-80 and got a flat tire. I realized I wasn't able to loosen the lug nuts, plus I was in a dress and heels. Then, a young man pulled up behind me, pulled the spare out of my trunk and proceeded to change the tire. I asked for his name and address but neglected to write him a thank you note. (I think I had all of a dollar in my purse which I offered and he declined.) I regretted never thanking him properly. I'm making up for that now by sending notes to friends and neighbors to let them know they are appreciated.

    1. I love that, Maureen! That young man's gift to you is being multiplied! What a blessing upon a blessing. Thanks for sharing the smile :)

  4. Thank you for sharing this story of kindness. :-)

    1. And thank you, Melissa, for the way you infuse kindness everywhere you go. God's blessings on you!

  5. Lori, thank you for sharing this precious story. After reading it, I asked God to sharpen my awareness of the needs of others. He gave me a beautiful opportunity to extend kindness today.

    1. I love this, Jeannie! Isn't that just like God? He blesses us, then moves us to bless someone else, and the blessings multiply! Love you, friend.

  6. What a sweet, heart-warming story to share. It was so touching, I had to read it twice. Thank you so much, Lori.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, Ruth. I'm still smiling :) Blessings to you, friend!


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