Hungry for God; Starving for Time


When You Lack Compassion-- A Confession and a Hope

Those with the gift of mercy may find this post unnecessary, but if you lack compassion or feel overwhelmed in this area, read on. 

One of my strongest spiritual gifts is the gift of administration. (See Romans 12:6–8.) I’m a firstborn go-getter who can take a complex project, break it down into its respective parts, and figure out how to get it done. I work most successfully when I pair up with a visionary who can think up something wonderful or creative (not my strong suit), then hand it off to me to make it happen. 

Jesus’ Healing Ministry 

If I’d been in charge of Jesus’ healing ministry, I would require everyone to reserve their appointments at least three days in advance, list them on a spreadsheet-style scroll, and you can bet I’d check their synagogue IDs when they arrive. 

Like a Chick-Fil-A drive through, I’d have greeters, traffic control officers, and three lines. -Demoniacs to the right. Don’t shove and please keep the noise down. -Contagious diseases? Far left. -Masks on until you approach the front, and please, stay six feet apart at all times. -Crippled? You and your helper stand (or lie) in the middle line—only one helper allowed per person, please. 

Jesus’ Example 

Interestingly enough, Jesus operated quite efficiently without an organizer like me. . . 

Today I'm guest posting over at Revive Our Hearts. To read the rest of  When You Lack Compassion, click over to the Revive Our Hearts blog 

Does Your Faith Need Refreshing?

Did you make a commitment to read the Bible this year, but now you're struggling? 

Do you need a resource to take you through each book of the Bible?

That's in the Bible? I've never noticed that before!

It's probably been too long since you've newly discovered a story that speaks to your soul or a verse that pops with truth. But that's about to change!

Refresh Your Faith contains 66 culturally relevant, story-driven devotions, one from each book of the Bible. Each real-life story spotlights an unusual verse or Bible passage that you may have overlooked in your usual Bible reading. Lori Hatcher challenges you with additional features like an uncommon thought to ponder; an unusual faith action step; and an unfamiliar passage suggestion for additional Bible reading.

When the fabulous has become familiar and your quiet times are more like nap times, it's time to step out of spiritual boredom and ignite the spark that will keep you growing. No matter where you are on your faith journey, Lori's conversational and engaging style will challenge you to think about things you've never thought about before.

“Real-life inspiration and candid wit. These 5-minute devotions will change your life.” —Psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Kevin Leman, commenting on Lori Hatcher's devotional style

Are you hungry for God, but starving for time? 
I’d love to send you a 5-minute e-mail devotion twice a week to start your day off with the Lord. 

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Because busy women need to connect with God in the craziness of everyday life.


  1. LOL... Will read the post there, but knew there was a reason I liked you. Well, actually it's an ordinalled list. :-) Have a great day Ms. Lori; and I'm so glad to see God has gifted you with mercy and compassion through the years. There's still hope for me.

  2. Oh, yes, J.D., if God can do a work in my heart, He can certainly do one in yours :) Blessings to you, friend!


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