Hungry for God; Starving for Time


This I Know -- A Guest Post by Allison Jones

A theology discussion in one of her classes made Allison Jones realize she didn't know what she believed about a certain topic. 

"I left that class feeling really confused about almost everything other than my core beliefs," she said. 

To remind herself of what she believed and that core beliefs are what really matter, she penned the poem, "This I Know." 

I asked her if I could share her poem with the Hungry for God readers, and she graciously agreed. I'm confident Allison's spiritual depth and insightful perspective will bless you, as they have me. Be sure to leave kind words for her in the comment box. 

This I Know

I don’t know 
Much about 
Or philosophy, 
Or ethics, 
Or anything really. 

But this I know: 
That I have believed 
In my heart, 
And confessed With my mouth, 
That Jesus is Lord. 

I don’t know 
Much about 
Or philosophy,
Or ethics, 
Or anything really. 

But this I know: 
I have died, 
And my life 
Is hidden With Christ, 
Who is my life. 

I don’t know 
Much about 
Or philosophy, 
Or ethics, 
Or anything really. 

But this I know: 
That my Father knows me, 
And holds me In His hand, 
And no one is able 
To snatch me away. 

I don’t know 
Much about 
Or philosophy, 
Or ethics, 
Or anything really. 

But this I know: 
That my Father 
Is slowly but surely, 
Conforming me 
To the image 
Of His Son. 

I don’t know 
Much about 
Or philosophy, 
Or ethics, 
Or anything really.  

But this I know: 
That my Father 
Is working in me, 
To will 
And to work 
For His good pleasure. 

But this I know: 
That He Who testifies 
To these things 
Is coming soon. 

Lord Jesus. 

Allison Jones is a freshman at Anderson University, double majoring in Biblical Studies and Creative Writing. She's a triplet with two sisters who also attend Anderson University. They have twin siblings who are juniors in high school. This poem first released on her blog Fixing Our Eyes, Setting Our Hearts, Running the Race. You can connect with her on Instagram @fixingoureyesblog or Allison Jones on Facebook.

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  1. Thank you, Allison, for sharing your insightful poem. Your life is grounded in the truth and that is what matters. May we all have the wisdom you have learned early in life. Nothing else matters except Christ and Him crucified! Anything that deviates from that is not truth. (Colossians 2:8)

  2. Guessing your approximate age young lady, let me assure you that at more than 3X your age, I still know hardly "anything really." Loved your words; and want to encourage you to always, always let them flow from your heart and be filtered through prayer. If I have learned anything in all my years of searching, learning, failing, confessing, repenting, and trying again it is this; it's not how much we know but how strongly we hold onto to what we believe. Quality will always win out over quantity. Application will always supplant theory and conjecture. And God will always be God. Well done Miss Allison. What a blessing it is to see such faith in a young person. You give me hope for the future ma'am.

  3. Great words to remind us the core of who we are in Christ and what really matters.

  4. Thank you Lori and Allison. Perfect words to go along with Bible study of Revelation with my church. I would love to share your poem with my group, with your permission. Allison, you've got a bright future ahead of you. All the best.


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