Hungry for God; Starving for Time


"I Just Love It to Death!" Can You Say this About Your Bible?

We have a saying in the South to describe feeling strong emotion for something or someone over a long period of time. Spoken with just the right twang and touch of sweet-tea-sweetness, it goes like this: “I just love it to death.” 

We might say it about our bestie: “I love her to death.” 

Or about our church: “I just love it to death.” 

Or even about spending a week at the beach every summer: “I just love it to death.” 

My mom (a transplanted Yankee trying to fit in with her Southern neighbors) said this about my childhood stuffed animal, Ellie: “She just loved her to death.” 

The truth of her statement is apparent. Ellie’s well-fondled ears are hanging on by a thread (literally). The top of her head is spotted with tears, snot, and probably peanut butter from all the times I tucked her under my chin and cried. And her trunk? Well, let’s just say that when I was trying to break my habit of thumb sucking, I might have chewed on it a time or two. 

I loved Ellie to death. 

Now that I’m a grown up, other things have replaced Ellie in my heart. 

I recently posted a picture on social media of my Bible and included this challenge: 

This year, as I have done for more than 20, I’ve committed to read the Bible through. This practice, more than anything else I’ve ever done, has filled me with hope, grown my faith, refined my character, and birthed in me a greater love for God and others. If you read the Bible daily, what benefits have you experienced? If you don’t, why not commit to this year? I promise you won’t regret it. 

One of my friends, commented, That poor old MacArthur Bible

She was referring to my Bible’s pitiful appearance. The spine has a seam down the front from all the times I’ve opened and closed it. The title is barely readable, and the leather cover is worn through on the edges to reveal the fabric beneath it. 

I responded to my friend’s comment with, I've loved it to death. 

And I have. 

Since 2011, I’ve clung to this Bible like an anchor when the storms of life threatened to drown me. I’ve held it up in praise when God has done miraculous things in my family’s life. I’ve carried it halfway around the world in suitcases, backpacks, and travel bags. It’s made it through customs in Mexico, Japan, and Spain (not to mention Atlanta). 

Like Ellie in my childhood, this Bible and its predecessors have been my constant companion through most of my adult life. Not as a lucky rabbit’s foot, but as a link to the God I serve. 

For decades I’ve opened my Bible desperate for hope, meaning, direction, and inspiration. I’ve found wisdom to navigate life’s challenges, promises to claim for those I love, and instruction in how to live. Its pages are covered in scribbles, notes, and underlines. I’ve marked promises, warnings, insight, and encouragement. 

In its margins I’ve written prayers for family members and circled God’s promises. I’ve noted significant life events like the day I submitted my first manuscript and the dates my grandchildren were born. Tear stains mark the promises for salvation I prayed over for years before my prodigals surrendered to Christ. 

If my house was on fire, and I had time to grab one thing, I’d grab my Bible. Like my friend observed, I’ve loved it to death. 

If my life was ending, and I had time to speak one final sentence, I’d say, “Read your Bible.” 


Every time we open our Bibles, God's voice speaks to us. And who doesn’t need to hear God’s voice? Every single day of our life? 

I’ve discovered, in my almost forty years of walking with God, that life goes better when I read His Word every day. Not because I earn brownie points with God, but because I need what He has to say. 

I need instruction in how to live as a Christian in a non-Christian world. I need to be reminded that a better life awaits me. I need to know God’s promises so I can pray them for myself and others. I need the challenge and comfort of Christ’s example to know that I can remain faithful to the end. I need hope when I’m frightened, and peace when I’m troubled. 

I need God. 

Every day. 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” John 1: 1 tells me. In the Word, I find God. 

This year, I’d like to invite you to join me in reading the Bible every day. If you read for fifteen minutes a day, you’ll read through the Bible in a year. But even if you only read for five, your life will be better, and your spiritual life will grow. 

One day, someone may look at your Bible and say, “She loved it to death.” 

And God will smile.

“Your testimonies I have taken as a heritage forever, for they are the rejoicing of my heart” Psalm 119:111. 

If you’re committed to read your Bible every day this year, please leave a comment in the box below. I want to pray for you. 

Happy New Year! 

Does Your Faith Need Refreshing? Are you looking for a companion book to accompany you as you read through the Bible this year?

Here's what readers are saying about Lori's newest book:

That's in the Bible? I've never noticed that before!

It's probably been too long since you've newly discovered a story that speaks to your soul or a verse that pops with truth. But that's about to change!


Refresh Your Faith contains 66 culturally relevant, story-driven devotions, one from each book of the Bible. Each real-life story spotlights an unusual verse or Bible passage that you may have overlooked in your usual Bible reading. Lori Hatcher challenges you with additional features like an uncommon thought to ponder; an unusual faith action step; and an unfamiliar passage suggestion for additional Bible reading.

When the fabulous has become familiar and your quiet times are more like nap times, it's time to step out of spiritual boredom and ignite the spark that will keep you growing. No matter where you are on your faith journey, Lori's conversational and engaging style will challenge you to think about things you've never thought about before.

“Real-life inspiration and candid wit. These 5-minute devotions will change your life.” —Psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Kevin Leman, commenting on Lori Hatcher's devotional style

Are you hungry for God, but starving for time? 
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  1. Amen. A question we should each ask ourselves daily.

    1. You know, I'd never dream of not talking to or spending time with my husband, because I love him. Why, sometimes, do I skip spending time with my Father? I love Him, don't I? Lord, make us faithful. And thank you for your patience when we are not.

  2. I am planning to read the Bible every day in 2021. Thank you for the encouragement. :-)

    1. Hooray, Melissa! We'll be Bible buddies. I can't wait to see what God reveals to us through His Word this year. I've been praying Psalm 119, "Open my eyes so I may see wonderful truths in your Law." Blessings to you on your journey, friend!


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