Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Are You Sitting in the Dark?

My friend Jean is visually impaired. Because she can’t see our faces when our church gathers on Zoom, she usually turns off her camera and listens through the app’s audio feature. We hear her voice, but her square on the screen remains dark. 

I assumed she’d turned off her camera the other night when we gathered for a women’s Bible study. (Twelve of us are studying Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth’s book, Adorned, about the Titus 2 woman.) 

As I made introductions, I said, “And that’s Jean in the black square.” 

“Oh,” she said, “can you not see me? I thought I turned my camera on.” 

We heard footsteps, then a rustling, then Jean’s smiling face appeared. 

“My camera was on,” she explained, “but Mike turned off the light.” 

Because Jean is totally blind, she doesn't need light to function. Her husband, Mike, also visually impaired, benefits from having the lights on. Hearing her in the room and knowing she didn’t need the light to participate in the study, he switched it off. 

This happened twice during our meeting. Each time we had to tell Jean she was in the dark, so she knew to turn the light back on. 

Jean’s on-again-off-again darkness reminds me of my life. 

Sometimes I get enveloped in the darkness of anger, bitterness, confusion, or some other sin, and I don’t know it. Like the darkness descending as the sun sets, it creeps up on me. 

Other times a crisis plunges me into the inky blackness of fear, doubt, or unbelief. I usually recognize when this happens, but sometimes, I sit in the darkness until someone else points it out. 

If I’m smart, I’ll flip on the light of God’s Word and study its principles so I can see clearly again. 

Jesus, the embodiment of God’s Word, is the Light that banishes every darkness we face. This is why Matthew included Isaiah’s prophecy in his gospel: “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.” 

With Christ as my Savior and God’s Word as my lamp, I needn’t remain in the dark. “I am the light of the world,” Jesus said, “He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (Matthew 8:12). 

Are you walking in darkness today? Do you know someone who is? Allow the light of Christ—His salvation, His presence, and His Word—to banish every shadow that clouds your world. 

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  1. Lori, such a great analogy of Jean on the Zoon video. It's our choice to flip on the light of God's Word that lights our path and dispels the darkeness of the enemy's hold.

  2. I am forever walking around the house, turning off unused lights, and asking "Do I look like I own the electric company?" As your post, so wonderfully points out though, sometimes we need to be sure to leave His light on. Love it!

  3. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Great post. I was reminded of Micah 7:8 - “Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.”

  4. What an effective analogy, Lori. Thank you for reminding us that despair can appear suddenly or gradually, but either way, the Light of Jesus is the answer. Although sometimes I’m slow to turn to His Word when I’m discouraged, it addresses every need.


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