Hungry for God; Starving for Time


10 Reasons You Can Trust God with the Election Results

French poet Victor Hugo once said, “And when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake."

If I were to choose a word to describe the recent election season, I’d choose the word laborious.

Angry tirades and scathing accusations have volleyed from one campaign to another like mortar fire during an armed conflict, and we the people have been wounded in the crossfire.

Christians, convinced their candidate is the only godly choice, share their opinions passionately in person and on social media, dividing friendships, families, and even churches. “There’s only one candidate for men and women of faith,” the voices cry, yet they cry from both sides of the aisle. Even “neutral” fact checkers can’t agree which facts are fact and which are fallacy. Crystal clear issues grow as muddy as a river during flood season. We the church are weary, battle-scarred, and conflicted.

Hugo was right, we have accomplished our laborious task, and on election night we’ll go to sleep, possibly uncertain about who our next president, or governor, or representative is. Or perhaps the vote will clearly and decisively declare one candidate a winner—but not the one we hoped for.

 Regardless, we can go to sleep in peace. God is awake.

 He is not only awake, He is seated on His throne, reigning over the affairs of this earth with wisdom and justice.

 You can trust Him if the election doesn’t turn out as you hoped for these ten reasons and a thousand more:

I'm honored to guest post on the Revive Our Hearts Leaders Blog today. to read the rest of this post, CLICK HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much this really help me to sleep better


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