Hungry for God; Starving for Time


5 Ways to Cure a Critical Spirit -- On Revive Our Hearts

The acid we used in Chemistry class burned everything it touched. It ate a hole in a block of wood, etched deep scars in a metal basin, and permanently marred a plastic tabletop. 

We donned goggles and gloves and used special beakers designed to hold the caustic liquid, but we were still hesitant and afraid. Our teacher’s warnings had put a healthy fear of injury in our minds. Many opted out of the experiment, and the rest of us performed the necessary steps as quickly and carefully as possible, relieved when we could rid ourselves of the poisonous fluid. 

Now that I’ve stepped out of the classroom and into the laboratory of life, I’ve discovered a parallel to the acid we experimented with in high school. Psychologists call it a critical spirit. It doesn’t come with a warning label, but its characteristics are similarly destructive. 

Critical words eat holes in tender souls. 

Critical minds etch deep scars in families, marriages, and friendships. 

Critical hearts mar forever the shine and beauty of faith, hope, and love. 

Threatening to steal the joy from everything that isn’t perfect and everyone who falls short of its expectations, a critical spirit is a ravenous beast that devours many an honest effort, loving gesture, or kind deed with nary a backward glance. 

A critical spirit poisons every relationship it touches. The pressure of an impossible standard is too heavy to bear. Those in relationship with one who possesses a critical spirit are always trying and always falling short. Sometimes they stop trying altogether. 

Three poisonous roots support the critical spirit tree:

Click the Link HERE to read the rest of the article.

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  1. Amen! This is something I guard against every day. I wish I could say I've overcome this hurtful human tendency, but the fact is, it remains a work in progress. Oh how the desire to judge others feeds into this. Thank you for these wonderful suggestions. Of course, we both know where the source of strength to overcome our human frailties exists. God's blessings ma'am.

    1. You are wise to guard against it, J.D. I'm not always so self aware. Sometimes the words that fly out of my mouth surprise (and disappoint) even me! Lord, set a watch over our lips and make our words sweet and useful for building people up, not tearing them down!


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