Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Have We Forgotten to Have Fun?

“Many of us have forgotten to have fun.” 

These words from author and (my) agent Bob Hostetler shocked me. Until I realized his statement was true. 

“Writers get so caught up in deadlines, and word counts, and edits that we forget what drew us to writing in the first place – the pure pleasure of the craft.” 

You’re probably not a writer (although some of you are), but regardless of our profession or life circumstances, Bob’s words apply to us all. 

Have you been so busy paying bills, keeping house, and meeting obligations that you’ve forgotten to have fun in your marriage? 

The rest of this post has moved . . . CLICK HERE to continue reading. 


  1. You posted a fun article Ms. Lori. Good on you ma'am. As for fiction/nonfiction; I'll buy that you worked in an airport kitchen during summers. I'll agree that the smell of bacon brings most men running (I'm one of them). Knowing your hubby as "Pastor David", I'll agree with the handsome part. I don't think it was a business man though who won your heart.

    1. Thanks, J.D. You are almost correct. I didn't fry bacon at 4 am, nor is my husband a business man, but he is handsome :) Thanks for playing along.

  2. Lori, This devotion really did speak to me. It seems that I'm more focused on getting things done than enjoying them. I'm planning a birthday party, and I found myself thinking, "I can't wait until this is over," instead of being excited and having fun doing it. I really want to change my attitude and have more fun in the process!

    1. Me too, Marilyn. I'm often guilty of favoring projects over people, and that's seldom fun. Let's pray for each other to focus intentionally on the FUN parts of what we do, and maybe even create some fun along the way.

  3. Oh, I forgot to answer your question. I don't think you worked in an airport kiosk at 4 am frying bacon, but maybe you did!

    1. You are correct :) I've done a lot of odd jobs in my life, but bacon frying isn't one of them. Hubby and I met on a blind date 36 years ago. Imagine that. But he DOES LOVE BACON!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Melissa. Praying you'll have a FUN weekend :)


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