Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Don't Close Your Eyes

When my children were young, bedtime (theirs) was one of my favorite times of the day. Not because they were tired, but because I was. I loved and enjoyed my children, but after a long day of refereeing squabbles, wiping runny noses, teaching, correcting, feeding, and cleaning up after two busy little girls, I was spent.

Like the lawnmower that ramps up to a high speed right before it runs out of gas, however, my girls seemed to gain momentum, not lose it the closer we got to bedtime. The only way I managed to get them settled down was to pop them into a warm bath, clothe them in their flannel jammies, and read them a bedtime story. If I could just get them still, their little bodies would wilt and their eyes would grow heavy. 

Choosing the right book was crucial to the success of bedtime, though. Too exciting, and they’d be slaying dragons and fending off invaders. Too sedate, and they’d be teasing and poking each other behind my back. And if it had pictures, they’d better be good, ‘cause great words with sub-par illustrations is just wrong. 

My grands -- Caroline, Andrew, and Lauren
My kids seldom allow me to read to them anymore, but I have a brand new audience in my three grandchildren. Their parents love for me to put them to bed for some reason, preferably before they arrive home from a date night. 

We had the opportunity recently to preview a new bedtime book by my friend and agent, Bob Hostetler. Bob began his career writing books for teens, then for adults. Thirty plus books, including a Shakespeare devotional. Imagine that. 

But those books were just practice for his finest work yet, Don’t Close Your Eyes, A Silly Bedtime Story. The perfect blend of rhyme, humor, and reverse-psychology, this soothing board book follows the bedtime antics of a group of forest animals at day’s end as they try very hard not to close their eyes. 

Hostetler’s lyrical rhyme and Mark Chamber’s whimsical illustrations keep little readers (and not-so-little ones) engaged until the final sleepy page. The only hindrance to bedtime is that kids like it so much they want you to read it again. And again. And again. 

No worries, this sturdy board book has only 20 pages, which means you can read it several times without setting bedtime back too far. This funny, sweet, story with its awwww ending puts the cherry on the sundae of a good day. 

For every child who fights sleep and every parent (or grandparent) trying to put them to bed, this book is a must-have. Better for inducing sleep than a glass of warm milk or a teaspoon of Benadryl, Don't Close Your Eyes, A Silly Bedtime Story is available for pre-order on Amazon and debuts February 5. 

Now it’s your turn. Do your kids or grandkids have a favorite bedtime book? Which one is it? Leave a comment in the space below and share your treasures. If you’re reading by email, CLICK HERE to visit Hungry for God online and leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Love this picture of you reading to those precious grandkids!! I'll have to get the book!


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