Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Why Love Makes the Difference

When it comes to children and spiritual truth, I’m never sure who is the teacher and who is the student.

Such was the case during a conversation I had with my oldest granddaughter, Lauren. 

“Gigi!” she said as she bounced into my house one Friday morning. (If you’ve spent any time lately around preschool girls, you know that every statement ends in an exclamation point, and that they run, skip, bounce, or hop everywhere. Walking is never an option.) 

“I drew you a picture so you’d remember me while I’m in New-Ork.” She waved the masterpiece in her hand. “See, it’s you and me on a mountain. And I wrote my name on the bottom so you’d merember who drawed it.” 

“You know something?" I said, scooping her up and twirling her around in a happy circle. "I think about you every day. Every. Single. Day. You know why?” 

She thought a moment, then said matter-of-factly, “Because you love me?” 

“Yup. Because I love you. And you know what? There’s someone else who thinks about you every single day. Can you guess who?”


To read the rest of this post, CLICK HERE.


  1. This message was a wonderful blessing! Thank you and thanking God for His amazing love!!

    1. Amen and amen, friend! Thanks for chiming in today :)

  2. Always a wonderful blessing when I read your heartfelt blog posts Ms. Lori. Thank you for reminding us that God loves us always; and we're always in His thoughts.

    1. Thank you, J.D., it is a comforting thought indeed :)


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