Hungry for God; Starving for Time


How Do We Magnify the Lord?

When the theological clouds part, and I finally understand something that has plagued me for years, it’s a good day. Last Sunday was a good day. 

My pastor, who is also my husband, was warming up for his sermon. Like a batter in the batter’s box, he was tossing a few spiritual pitches to his listening congregation. One of those lobs was Psalm 34:3: 

“O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.” 

Without knowing, he’d tossed me a theological curve ball. A conundrum of sorts. This verse has always bugged me. How, I’ve wondered, can mere mortals magnify the God of the universe? 

God is loftier than the highest heavens. He is wiser than the most learned teacher. He is more powerful than the greatest army. He embodies every characteristic we desire but fall woefully short of. He is faithful, kind, patient, tender, creative, loving, and just. He is everything we are not, and he never sleeps, falters, or fails. How can I magnify God? How can I make him any bigger than he already is? 

And then, as if he was reading my thoughts (which I’ve heard pastors can do), my husband said the words that parted the curtain of my understanding. “A magnifying glass doesn’t make an object bigger. It just brings it closer so others can see it better.” 

That’s it. When I share how God has answered my prayers, met my needs, and cleansed my sin-sick soul, I bring God closer so others can see him better. And that's what I want to do more than anything else. 

How about you? What are some ways you can magnify God so others can see him better? Leave a comment in the box below and share your thoughts. If you're reading by email, click HERE to visit Hungry for God online, scroll to the bottom of the post, and leave a comment.

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  1. I like that example, Lori, of the magnifying glass. I know the only way my small mortal self can magnify God is to let Him be magnified in my life. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Amen, Barbara. You're absolutely right. Thanks for chiming in today. May God continue to glorify himself through you.

  2. I love it when we can tie everyday things, like a magnifying glass, into life with God.

    1. It is amazing how God reveals himself to us in the simplest of things, isn't it? Every word is a word picture. So glad you enjoyed "magnify" today.


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