Hungry for God; Starving for Time


My Christmas Gift to You (and your friends)

Happy Tuesday, everyone. I wanted to share the great news that my publisher is giving away (as in FREE) the Kindle version of my 5-minute devotional, Hungry for God ... Starving for Time. 

This offer is  FOR ONE DAY ONLY, Tuesday, December 6. At midnight, it's GONE. Here's the link:

The timing of this giveaway is extra special, because it allows me to give you, my faithful readers, and your friends (if you forward this email) an extra-special Christmas gift.

So if you don't have an electronic copy of my book yet, click on over and grab one, then forward this email or post on social media to share the news with friends and family who need a resource that helps them connect with God in just 5 minutes a day, wherever they are. It could be the nicest thing you do for someone today. 

Thanks for sharing the love!


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Because women need to connect with God in the craziness of life. 

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