Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Guaranteed to Banish Scrooge Forever -- 4 Favorite Christmas Videos

If the Grinch is trying to steal your Christmas joy, these gems will send him packing. Enjoy. Merry Christmas!

Soulful, hopeful, poignantly beautiful.


 I'm not sure how I've lived as long as I have without ever hearing "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas," by Gayla Peevey.

The Wikipedia story behind this catchy tune tells how the Oklahoma City Zoo capitalized upon the popularity of "I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas" with a fundraising campaign to "buy a hippo for Gayla". The fund raised $3,000 (equivalent to $27,552.12 present day), and a baby hippopotamus named Matilda was purchased and given to Peevey, which she then donated to the zoo. 

 If you're reading by email, click HERE to listen.

And the grande finale':


If you're reading by email, click here to watch the Grinch's heart grow. 

Christmas is fast approaching. Wouldn't you love to knock out a chunk of your Christmas shopping and impact your loved ones for eternity?

Would you like to give an extra-special gift? 

One that will:

*refresh a person's faith?

*encourage someone to explore the Bible? 

*inspire busy women to get to know God better?

*unlock uncommon verses and awaken interest in God's Word?

*jumpstart your quiet time?

*make a great companion to your 2021 devotional reading?

Refresh Your Faith, Uncommon Devotions from Every Book of the Bible is the book you're looking for.  Spotlighting uncommon verses and pairing them with inspiring stories, Refresh Your Faith is the cure for spiritual boredom and apathy.

I'd be honored if you'd order a copy for yourself or gift it to your friends this holiday season. If you live in the Columbia, SC area, I'd love to inscribe copies for you. Reply to this email, and I'll be in touch. 

If you're out of the area, Refresh Your Faith is on sale right now at Our Daily Bread. It's also available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Christian

Are you hungry for God, but starving for time? 
I’d love to send you a 5-minute e-mail devotion twice a week to start your day off with the Lord. 

Sign up for a free subscription to Hungry for God by CLICKING HERE.

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