Hungry for God; Starving for Time


One Way to Share the Gospel with Your Unsaved Friends this Christmas

Dear Hungry for God friends,

I suspect there are quite a few busy women on your Christmas list. Friends, co-workers, fellow church members, and your children's teachers, coaches, and babysitters, to name a few.

If you'd like to give them a gift that will draw them closer to the Lord, encourage them to spend time in God's Word, and think biblically, Hungry for God ... Starving for Time, Five-Minute Devotions for Busy Women is the gift you're looking for.

And what about those friends and loved ones who may not have a relationship with the Lord?

In the last devotion in the book, I share, in a winsome and non-threatening way, what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you give someone you care about a copy of HFG, you'll not only be passing along spiritual encouragement, you'll also be sharing the Gospel. Either way, you could change someone's life forever.

And that's what Christmas is all about.

I love the newly-designed, glossy cover!

For a limited time, has my book discounted from $10.99 to $7.95. That's a 33% discount!
Hungry for God . . . Starving for Time is also available at, and Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas

If you live in the Columbia, South Carolina area, I'd love to autograph and personalize copies for your special friends. Email me at

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