Hungry for God; Starving for Time


11 Surprising Symptoms of Sin Sickness

“Being convicted by the Holy Spirit is like being nibbled to death by a duck.” 

I’m not sure who penned this powerful quote, but it’s one example of how the Holy Spirit works in our hearts to deliver us from sin. Conviction of sin isn’t a popular topic for a blog post, but this spiritual phenomenon is oddly comforting. Feeling uncomfortable when we sin is evidence that the Holy Spirit lives inside us—and that’s grounds for celebration. 

Before I was a Christian, I could sin and it didn’t bother me. I’d feel an occasional pang of regret, usually when I got caught, but for the most part, I enjoyed my sin. After all, if sin wasn’t fun, why would anyone do it? 

Sometimes I’d feel guilty. Other times I’d wish I hadn’t done it, usually when I experienced the negative consequences of my wrong choices. My conscience might sound a weak alarm when I stepped precariously close to a danger zone, but I could usually rationalize it away. 

When I surrendered my life to Christ, however, I gained a powerful ally—the Holy Spirit. In ways I can’t explain, this third person of the Godhead went to work in my life. Like Molly Maids the day before my in-laws came to visit, the Holy Spirit went to work cleaning my spiritual house. 

The first thing the Holy Spirit pointed out was the music I listened to. Those words glorify extra-marital sex, drugs, and drinking. Do you really want to fill your ears with that? Then He pointed out my skimpy bathing suit. And some of the books on my bedside table. And the TV show I loved to watch every Friday night. 

That first sweep through my spiritual house as a new believer was a deep clean. He got rid of a lot of the big uglies. In the years since, he’s continued to point out areas of my life that are contrary to his best for me. 

Anger? Doesn’t accomplish God’s purposes. Fear? Cannot coexist with faith. Apathy? Lukewarm is nauseating. Selfishness? Consider others as better than yourself. 

What I find especially interesting is how, when I dig in my heels in rebellion and am unwilling to change, I only hurt myself. The very things I cling to are the same things that make my life miserable. 

King David experienced this as well, and describes how awful we feel when we are disobedient to the Lord. He lists 11 symptoms of sin sickness in Psalm 38:

1. The sharp conviction of sin. “Your arrows pierce me deeply” (v. 1). 

2. A feeling of profound heaviness. “Your hand presses me down” (v. 1). 

3. Physical weakness. “There is no soundness in my flesh”(v. 3, 7). “I am feeble and severely broken” (v. 8). 

4. Sickness. “. . . nor health in my bones” (v. 3). 

5. The feeling of carrying a heavy load. “My iniquities . . . like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me” (v. 4) 

6. Physical and spiritual injuries, possibly the consequences of sinful choices. “My wounds are foul and festering” (v. 5). 

7. A disturbed spirit. “I am troubled” (v. 6). 

8. A defeated heart. “I am bowed down greatly” (v. 6). 

9. Deep sorrow. “I go mourning all the day long” (v. 6). 

10. Gastric distress. “My loins are full of inflammation” (v. 7). 

11. Inner turmoil. “I groan because of the turmoil of my heart” (v. 8). 

This list is a sobering wake up call to the fact that sinful rebellion carries more consequences than just the results of our actual sin. I’ve experienced many of these symptoms when I’ve chosen to ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit when He points out an area of sin in my life. 

When I stubbornly hang on to my pet vice, I'm miserable. I have difficulty praying, because I know my sin stands between me and God. I avoid reading my Bible, because God’s Word continues to call me to repentance. I feel anxious, fearful, and guilty. I’m less likely to talk about spiritual things with others, because I know it would be hypocritical. And my sleep is disturbed. 

Why, oh why, do we resist the Holy Spirit when all he’s trying to do is make us more like Christ? The more Christ-like we become, the more we’ll experience joy, peace, patience, satisfaction, and spiritual fruit. It’s a win/win scenario. He cleans the junk out of our lives and replaces it with treasures. 

If you’re experiencing some of the symptoms I’ve listed above, maybe it’s time to examine yourself to see if there’s sin in your life. If there is, confess it quickly and accept God’s generous offer of forgiveness and restoration. 

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). 

Then, once you’ve confessed and forsaken your sin, allow the same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead to transform your life (Rom. 8:11-13). 

Relief is only a prayer away.

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  1. Lori. Thanks for a downright good post. You may not get a lot of comments. Who wants to talk about sin? Who wants to address what it does to a soul? Maybe someone is sin sick and they don't know it because no one ever addressed it? Well, girl, you did and my hat's off to you. My prayer is that in your obedience la life is changed, healed and redeemed.

    1. Christine,
      Thank you so much for the "atta girl." You're right, writing about sin is hard, but failing to share what I feel like the Lord wants me to do is way worst.
      Blessings tonyou'

  2. Lori, I appreciate this post. You've shared a number of truths. It's always a bit tricky in talking about/pointing out sin. When I read the eleven signs of sin sickness, I reflected back to a job I had (that I wasn't supposed to take--God made that clear) where I experienced nearly all of the eleven signs! Thankful for God's forgiveness in Jesus.


    1. Oh my, a wrong job for is so bad ... And sometimes so hard to get out of. Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Wow, thank you for sharing this Lori. I've been waking up with heaviness every morning and these symptoms I have totally felt. The heaviness and weakness in my flesh.

    I hear so much, "self condemnation, is listening to the devil." Though I agree he is the accuser, it is also healthy to acknowledge something is not right and bring it to the Lord.

    It seems so widely taught when we feel these symptoms to stand on the first portion of Roman's 8:1 without acknowledging the last part " to those who walk not in the flesh, but after the Spirit."

    I was asking the Lord to teach me through this and this is the helpful writings I came across. Thank you and Jesus bless you. 🤗

    1. You are most welcome, friend. Blessings to you!

  4. I thank the Lord fpr always giving us a chance to reconcile with him His grace always abound.and I am bless i have a loving God who always stood at my side

  5. Amen, Jaz. Amen. He is ever faithful. What a SAvior!

  6. Great post! I’ve experienced these symptoms after disobeying the Holy Spirit. The battle of flesh vs spirit is real! Sin is often alluring but promises much more than it can deliver. It’s leaves us feeling battered and sick in the end.

    1. You're absolutely right, Laura. Sin always promises more than it ever delivers, but not what we think. Thanks for chiming in today:)

  7. Thank you so much for your post. Wow! 👌

  8. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I dont know what to say but I feel heaviness in my heart that I did something wrong but I cannot acknowledge it well I hope this helps😀

  9. I woke up early in the morning... I am feeling sick of not being sick (and tired) of sin... if that even makes sense. I googled “sick of sinning” in hope to find Bible Scripture on the subject... your post came up... thank you

  10. wow thank you so much for this as I have had this feeling I have severe back injury that has had me on pain meds for years well I got off the pills and started taking kratom 4 pain well it helps alot but the last year the HOLY SPIRIT I think is nudging me to get off of it but it's really hard for me so if you could pray 4 me I'd appreciate it as this is the only sin I can see that would b causing these feelings CHRIST BLESS U ALL

  11. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Thank you for talking with ys

  12. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I am currently sick... with a bad prognosis... i have a strong faith, but i have'nt been able to repent from my sexual sin... it has been my pet sin so to speak... im so tired of being controlled from it and want freedom, but it always calls me back and leads me to a place where even my prayers asking forgiveness don't seem legitamate... i know i am under Gods loving discipline, and yet in the chaos of my spreading cancer my sin still brings temporary reprieve followed by emptiness... id love to have this behind me and give all my remaining days to glorifying God who sent his Son for the wretched sinner that I am...

  13. Thank you this was for me today. Blessings

  14. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Thank you for this insightful bit.

  15. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Your post really spoke to me from the Holy Spirit. I've been suffering with grave mortal sin which goes back to my childhood through my adult life for over 50 years involving multiple habitual facets of willful sin which eventually subsided and now ceased. I go to church, but do not receive communion as I have not been able to fully prepare myself for confession, repentance and penance. I have experienced all these symptoms daily and hope to see a priest in person to confess as I am quite troubled living with myself this way. I believe face to face will be my only answer for actually finally realizing the gravity of my wrong doing and make amends to our Lord. Sin has really messed up my life, but I do see a light coming and feel I may be ready very soon. I know it will be a difficult experience and feel bad for the priest who has to hear my sorrow sorry case details. Thank you and Thanks Be to Our God.


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