Hungry for God; Starving for Time


A Very Special Birthday

Five years ago this month, on February 19, 2011, I wrote my first blog post. "Be Not Weary," also the title of my blog, had a tiny font and no graphics. Clicking "Send" was scary and exhilarating, because it launched me into the world of blogging.

My little sister, ever the cheerleader, was the first (and only) person to comment. This is what she wrote:

Hey, you are off to an awesome start. Reading this has made me feel like you were sitting across from me at the tale having one of our sister chit chats. I can't wait to see what else He has planned for you with your new "vessel," the great world of blogging. I wonder how many other "baby sisters" you will be able to touch with His word with the way you have of looking at everyday trials and the "what's right" that life throws at us. I know it has helped me through the years and I will be looking forward to seeing His work shine through this blog. Love ya, Me

I told my besties about my blog, and eleven of them subscribed that first day. God bless you. Sandy M., you were the first. Then came Margaret, Jennifer, Dee Dee, Mandy, Carol, Jim (God bless you, too, for breaking the gender barrier), Cheryl, Brenda, and Sandy B.

Today, five years, 623 posts, and 1,266 subscribers later, God is still faithfully at work. It's very humbling to know that some of you have stuck with me for five years. It's even more humbling to read your comments and emails about how God has used Hungry for God in your lives. Every time I sit down at the keyboard I am amazed that he uses "the foolish things of this world" and the "earthen vessels" to communicate his truth. What an honor. What a joy.

Five years ago Cindy Sproles, at Writers Advance Boot Camp said, "If you want to be a writer, you need a blog." And Eddie Jones, founder of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas said, "Don't try to be someone you're not. Write what you know. Write from where you are."
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In celebration of Hungry for God's fifth anniversary, he's made the Kindle version of my book available for $.99. If you don't have a copy, or if you'd like to gift it to a friend, you'll find Hungry for God, Starving for Time HERE.

If HFG has blessed you, I'd love it if you'd share it with a friend who needs encouragement. Sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest are also great ways to help me reach women (and men) who need to hear the reason for the hope that lies within us.

Thank you for reading my posts. Thank you for praying for me and my family. Thank you for allowing me to walk the faith walk with you. You are God's good and perfect gifts to me, and I am most grateful.

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  1. Happy blogging birthday! I haven't been around for all five years, but I've enjoyed the time I have. :)

    1. Thank you, Nikki. I've enjoyed your active readership. Thanks for joining the conversation!

  2. Happy blogging Birthday! It's amazing how God works through so many different forms to minister to people at so many different stages of life. Even though I don't comment often, I enjoy your posts. As a blogger, I know the challenges of crafting posts, finding photos, and so much more. May God bless you and your ministry richly!



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