Hungry for God; Starving for Time


Stepping Out - How Our Footwear Impacts Our Faith

I'm so excited to tell you about a new women's ministry presentation I've created called Stepping Out, How Our Footwear Impacts Our Faith. 

I'll be premiering this presentation at Sandhills Community Church on Saturday, January 23 from 9-12.Veteran Bible teacher Carmen Roberson will be the co-leader for this event, which is open to the public. Click here to learn more and register. 

If you're not within driving distance or would like to host a women's ministry event of your own, I'd love share this fun presentation with your ladies. Check out the sneak preview. For all the glorious details, click the title link below.

Stepping Out 

How Our Footwear 
Impacts Our Faith 


We love them! From the sassy sling backs to the sleek stiletto, there's a pair for every occasion. Some see shoes as an accessory, others a necessity, but did you know that shoes can have spiritual connotations, too? 

In this fast-paced, interactive presentation, Reach Out, Columbia magazine editor and author/blogger Lori Hatcher invites you to take a thoughtful look at the spiritual shoes you wear every day. She'll talk about styles that enhance our Christian walk, those that hinder it, and the one pair of shoes we can't live without. 

So strap on your favorite pair of shoes and join us for a time of fun, fellowship, and fashion.

For more information on hosting this presentation, click here:

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