Hungry for God; Starving for Time


A Christmas Wish from My Publisher

Do you have a Christmas Wish List? 

I do. And this year one of the things on my list (and my publisher's, Eddie Jones) is a burst in sales for my book. 

You see, last year at this time, I accomplished a life-long dream--to write and publish a book. But my book competes against thousands of books on Amazon, many of which are published by well-known authors backed by big-name publishing companies. As such, my book stands little chance of cracking the top page in its sale category as it did when it first released last December. 

But you can help. Today my publisher dropped the Kindle price of my book to 99 cents. Once we sell 50 copies, we'll raise the price. Then tomorrow, we'll repeat the process. 50 books at 99 cents, then raise the price. This Christmas Wish List campaign will run for four days, then we're done. 

If you want to help, click on the link below and buy a copy of my book for 99 cents (if you already have one, you can gift it to a friend if you have their email). If you see a higher price, it means we've reached our sales goal for today. 

And if you can't afford the 99 cents, let me know and I will GIVE YOU a $1 Amazon gift card so you can buy my Christmas present to me from you. Thanks so much for helping make this a Merry Christmas for my book. 

With much love at Christmas time, 


Here's the link: 

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