Hungry for God; Starving for Time


What Better Way to Celebrate FREEDOM than with FREE Books?

I love my country. 

In recent days it's made me proud and it's made me sad, but nothing will ever change my opinion that it's still the greatest country on earth. 

On this, America's 239th birthday, I want to share a few of my favorite patriotic pictures. AND share a very special offer -- five FREE books, all written by Christians, from a Christian worldview. 

The fact that we can write, publish, and distribute books that share our faith and encourage others in their faith journey is one of the greatest evidences that the freedom our forefathers fought and died for still lives in our country. 

May God continue to preserve this most precious of all freedoms. 

And may we never, ever take it for granted.

My publisher, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, has made 100 copies of my book, Hungry For God ... Starving for Time, Five-Minute Devotions for Busy Women, available FREE on Book Grabber today. I'd love for you to download a copy, then pass this offer on to your friends.

Here's the link: 

AND to sweeten the FREEDOM celebration even more, here are FOUR other Lighthouse Publishing books, also available FREE today:

Andrea's Merrell's Praying for the Prodigal:   

Lori Roeleveld's Running From a Crazy Man:      

Amy Sullivan's When More Is Not Enough, How to Stop Giving Your Kids What They Want and Give Them What They Need :    

Nan Jones' Perils of a Pastor's Wife:   

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Because women need to connect with God in the craziness of life. 

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