Hungry for God; Starving for Time


What to Do When Things Seem Hopeless

I can’t think of a more desperate situation than having a child who is near death. 

I’ve stood in enough hospital waiting rooms with frightened parents to know it is a terrifying experience, no matter what the age of the child. In our own family, I have two miracle nephews, both of whom were frighteningly close to death, but whose lives God chose to spare. I pray every day that these young men will never forget God’s mercy to them and never take their lives for granted. 

I thought of my nephews today when I read of another frantic parent on the pages of Scripture—Jairus. His 12-year-old daughter was sick and near death. This Judean family lacked the benefit of modern medicine, state-of-the-art equipment, and well-trained specialists. 

All they had was prayer. 

And Jesus. 

Lord willing, I hope you never have a child who is critically ill, but we all face faith challenges like the one Jairus and his wife encountered. We’d be wise to learn from his example. Here are five principles we can apply from Luke 8 when we encounter a faith challenge: 

To read the rest of this post, CLICK HERE.


  1. Aw hen our son was small, we were told one Sunday morning, to take him to the hospital. I asked if we could run by the house and the doctor looked at me and said go straight to the hospital, I have a doctor waiting for you.
    We got ther and were met by an oncologist. Me, seminary trained to be a pastor, could just stare at my wife in shock. Sometimes all we can do is pray, and sometimes we have to depend on others.
    None of this surprises our wonderful Lord, who says He is praying for us. Wow.

    1. Yours is a powerful testimony, Tim, from someone who has tested God and found him more than able to care for you. Thanks for sharing today.


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