Hungry for God; Starving for Time


You're Invited! Launch Team Members Needed

Dear Friends, 

I originally began this post Dear Faithful Blog Readers, but then I deleted those words and inserted Dear Friends, because that’s what you are. Like my in-person friends, you and I have shared joy and sorrow, spiritual highs and spiritual lows, victories and failures. 

Many of you have been with me from the beginning—when Hungry for God was called Be Not Weary, when the font was small, and the pictures blurry. The name changed, but the mission remains the same—to provide 5-minute devotions for busy women as we walk the faith walk together. Many of you comment, email, and allow me to pray for you. We’ve become more than faces on a screen; we’ve become family.

This is why I want to issue a personal invitation to be part of something really special. 

In the first week of November, my devotional book Hungry for God . . . Starving for Time will be released. 

HFG/SFT is a 31-Day collection of devotions with a twist—each devotion begins with a question I call Facetime. Facetime are questions busy women would like to ask God face to face. Some are serious, like God, this problem is so big. Does it do any good to pray? Others are lighthearted, like God, I’m having a bad hair day. What can I do to feel better about myself? Each question is followed by an answer straight from Scripture couched in a modern-day parable that’s easy for today’s women to relate to. 

The book is small—just the right size to tuck into a diaper bag, purse, book bag, or briefcase and pull out when we find a few minutes for quiet reflection. It will also be formatted for e Readers, phones, tablets, and iPads. 

I believe my book will help busy women connect with God in the craziness of life. Like a spiritual power bar, each devotion is packed with nutrition to help women get through the day. 

I’d like to invite you, my special reader friends, to be part of my launch team. As I assemble my team, I need people who believe in the value of HFG devotions and are willing to share information about the book to their friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances, and church members. 

If you’d like to be a part of my launch team, please email me at Put the words LAUNCH TEAM in the subject line, include your name and where you live, and I’ll send you all the details. 

To say thank you, every member of my launch team will receive a pre-release copy of my book and be entered into a drawing to win a FREE Kindle Fire. 

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Because women need to connect with God in the craziness of life. 

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