Hungry for God; Starving for Time


I'm worth $8.95

Don’t you love it when God makes you laugh out loud? 

I write primarily for women, (although I really appreciate the brave men, my husband included, who faithfully read my blog). As a member of the fairer sex, I feel confident in writing and speaking on issues from my own life, because I know if I’m experiencing it, chances are good that other women are, too.

Self-confidence comes up a lot, because women struggle with comparison, body image, jealousy, and low self-esteem, and self-worth. God knows this, which is why he’s filled our Bibles with a squillion (Yes, it’s a word. I looked it up.)  wonderful verses to tell us how beautiful, precious, and lovely we are. Through his Word, he builds us UP. 

We need this. Oh, how we need this. He affirms our worth, expresses his love, and unequivocally states our value. No doubt about it—he’s our biggest fan. In fact, he’s done such a good job affirming my worth through the years that I was prepared for the massive blow to my ego that was about to come. 

And this is why I was able to laugh out loud today. 

I received a link from a website that analyzes the statistics of blogs, puts the figures through an elaborate computation, and arrives at a blog's inherent value. Intrigued, I entered my domain name and clicked through, waiting curiously while the site poked and prodded the innards of my precious brainchild. Keep in mind that my blog address is my name as well, so in a way, I felt like the website was determining my value. 

When the calculations were complete, a page flashed with its official results. I had to capture the screenshot to show you: 

HA! Three years of blood, sweat, tears, and prayers. More than 380 painful, poignant, powerful (I hope) posts helping advance the kingdom of God. Innumerable hours spent formatting, illustrating, and posting devotions, and this website slaps a value on it that sounds like a Blue Light Special. 

And so, after I laughed out loud at the world’s estimate of “my” value, I thanked God that he has a different set of criteria. And that he’s faithfully sown the seeds of self-worth into my heart all these years, enabling me to laugh instead of cry at the business world’s opinion of my blog. 

But I don't always respond as well to those things that challenge my sense of worth. Sometimes, despite everything I know to be true, I feel worthless. 

Perhaps this is true of you, too. You probably didn’t get an online analysis of your value, but you’re still struggling. A demeaning boss, negative spouse, or disrespectful child may be chipping away at your fragile self-confidence and eroding your sense of self-worth. In times like these, it helps to remember whose opinion matters the most and how much he values us.

“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all-- how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died-- more than that, who was raised to life-- is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us” (Romans 8:32-34). 

When you ponder your true worth today, I hope you will join me and 
laugh out loud. 

How do you handle it when the voices of condemnation whisper to you? Would you share your thoughts with our sweet community by leaving a comment below?

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  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Lori, I'm not one of the brave men who faithfully read your blog, but am I one who visits occasionally and reads, if that counts :) You write good stuff.

    You asked, "How do you handle it when the voices of condemnation whisper to you?" Two ways:
    1) I can tell my wife and she will counter the negative voices for me and
    2) I just wait. I've learned that the voices of condemnation that scream so loudly right now will diminish in time, sometimes only a few hours.

    I wonder how that blog computation site works. One thing they can't evaluate - how some received home and encouragement from something you wrote. You are right about the difference between God's and the world's way of evaluating.

    Can you provide that link for evaluation. I'd like to run mine through it and see the $1.02 rating I get :)


  2. Warren,
    You've shared two excellent ways to counteract satan's lies. Sometimes, I've found, just voicing our thoughts helps us hear how much they counteract the truth. Speaking them to someone else brings them into the light and further diminishes their power.

    I like the idea of simply waiting for them to subside. While we're doing this, however, I find it's important not to nurture them. You know, hold them close and ponder them deeply. Instead, we should treat them like the foolish child that screams, "You don't love me!" We may still have to be in the same room with them, and we can hear them, but we don't have to embrace their nonsense.

    You're right also about the inherent value of a blog versus the commercial or financial value of a blog. This website,, measures the financial value. Since I don't sell ads or products, my blog's not worth much :)

  3. Toward the last year or so of my career I was feeling the chipping away at me. In thankful for my parents that helped reinstate my worth when I was lacking the ability to do it myself. I made it through and finally answering a calling I have felt during that time of struggle. :)


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