Hungry for God; Starving for Time


When God Sings -- A Guest Post by Phyllis Freeman

Very early in the morning, my son Kyle’s only child was born. The proud daddy came from the delivery room beaming. He’d inspected Amanda completely. 

“There’s no way they can mix up our baby with another one,” he said, “because now I know her so well.” Kyle and his wife were full of pride and joy over their child. 

Delight needs expression. A person may show pleasure with a squeal, a giggle, or a chuckle. Another may display a broad smile. 

Zephaniah 3:17 describes how God expresses joy: “He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” 

Our pastor says the Hebrew word for joy in this verse means to leap and spin around. I’ve seen some new grandparents do this. With five grandchildren, I’ve danced a jig, myself. 

This passage states that God takes delight in us and rejoices over us with singing. Have you ever thought about God singing? Can you imagine him actually spinning with joy over you as he sings? What a picture! He takes pleasure in us, his children. 

Two days after major surgery, I experienced complications. The nurses guided tubes through my nose and down into my stomach. Nurse Cathy indicated she thought I’d go back to surgery. My husband contacted our church family and friends to pray. 

Instead of another surgery, Cathy witnessed my full recovery. 

She asked to talk to me about prayer--outside the hospital. As we sat in my car after church one evening, I whispered, “Cathy, God loves you and wants the best for you.” 

With tears in her brown eyes, Cathy responded, “Do you mean if I do something wrong I don’t have to duck my head?” 

“Exactly,” I said. 

Cathy viewed God as vindictive and judgmental. She hadn’t learned of his mercy, goodness, and great love for her. 

Zephaniah 3: 17 tells of God’s love for Jerusalem and Zion (which represent the church). As the body of Christ, we are included in this love, too. Imagine a God who loves you enough to sing over you.

Can you hear him crooning with love, humming with compassion, or singing with joy? Turn your spiritual ears toward heaven and listen. When we become aware of God’s exuberant delight in us, we can lift our heads and walk in courageous faith, because we know how much he values us. 

Phyllis Qualls Freeman has published devotions as well as magazine and newspaper articles. A resident of Chattanooga, Tennessee, she teaches classes on inspirational writing and emotional healing.

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  1. This is beautiful. I've always loved that part of the verse "....and quiet you with His love." Like a fretful, crying baby, He will quiet us with His love! Also love the idea of Him singing with joy over me!

    For some people who don't have good relationships with their fathers, the idea of a loving Father (God) can be difficult to understand and accept. For others, it is easier. Thank you for encouraging us today!

    BTW, Lori, the "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party is now live and ready for you to link up to today! ;)

  2. That's totally one of my favorite verses. Thanks for painting such a picture for us!

  3. Thank you for linking up to "Making Your Home Sing Monday" today!

  4. Beautiful post and message, Phyllis! I love the picture of God singing over me.

  5. lorihatcher12:08 PM

    I agree, Vonda, Phyllis paints a beautiful picture.

  6. lorihatcher12:11 PM

    You're right -- our relationships with our earthly dads can give us an accurate or distorted picture of our precious heavenly Father. Thankfully, he gives us lots of pictures like this in Scripture to show us his heart. Thanks for stopping by, and for sharing your sweet community through your link up ;)

  7. A beautiful reminder that God loves us - thank you! "...He will quiet you with His love..." That's going to go into my "keeper" verses. It was what I needed this morning.


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